Can batteries be extinguished? I thought the whole point was they were self-fueling and burn at least until the charge energy is gone.
Wet bulb effect. That's nearing fatal conditions. Humans die, guaranteed, in roughly 86F, 100% humidity (without a breeze), because sweat does nothing, and our warm blooded nature means the temp at which we overheat is less than equal to ambient.
No, you don't need to douse it in a substance it readily reacts with... I don't know where this farce comes from, but it doesn't corport wirth reality unless the point is to literally burn the fire out by fueling it. Like putting a bellows on a coal fire...
Regulation in the US appears to be nothing but smoke and mirrors.
No not at all. It is not a macro problem of organization. It's a micro problem of rich executive fuckwits running the corpo instead of actual engineers.
You can dice it up how ever you want, but if vapid, money-grubbing piles of trash are at the top, it will ALWAYS fail.
They did say "in America". Perhaps he's towards the top for confirmed kills, though if we include credible suspicions, there are many terrible people that didn't deserve even the concept of freedom.
There are several serial killers that are in the hundreds, so no. No they are not.
Boeing deserves to die as the money grubbing losers they now are.
Aim that thing at the fossil fuel companies that literally gaslighted the public for decades.
Today's not over yet, buddy!
No, it's actually wrong and I was sarcastic. Just because a lot of the world is geared behind a patriarchy does not mean it's suddenly OK to scapegoat the complexities of basic sexual attraction on to one gender.
"It's more than the religious that take part in this" does NOT magically mean the social norms were not established by conservative fuckwits who were almost certainly heavily religious in order to protect themselves and keep their position in a patriarchy.
Conservative religions absolutely deserve most of the blame, regardless of which gender sat at the top.
Then get rid of the non-functional ziplock part altogether. That'd save way more plastic.