Wait, what? $900 to see Beyonce? How is that justified? Or even possible?
In App Purchase.
Yes, I agree with you. Your solution answers OPs question. However, sometimes the question does not cover the problem completely.
As long people know what they want, it's easier. But that's not always the case.
I'd go for a more advanced system, at least if it's a little more than an outlet or two. It can still run offline. O ce installed, you can deny HomeSeer or Home Assistant access to the internett.
Much easier to handleand easier to expand.
Excellent! Can't wait to try this!
RFXCOM has great transceivers for 433 MHz. I've been using them for over 15 years.
Yes, apparently we do. It's like there's a correct way of reading a book, and if you read that book to improve your English you are doing it wrong
This is going to be interesting. We'll end up having to sign an EULA before reading soon...
ChatGPT could have read 1000 other summaries of the book, it doesn't have to read the actual book to make a summary. It can just rewrite don't out the old ones.
"It's on older meme, but it checks out".
Is it on Github?
What's the alternative? Should we all stop discussing in favor of writing articles on Medium?
"The forum" as a medium has a well-fundamented place on the web in 2023, 2030 and 2078, I'm not worried about that.
Well, isn't that just... insane?