You are right and I am wishing for a third way, as equals as in EU. With Russia in EU the congress gonna be so much fun. They already are with one foot (Hungary), Serbia also would be dragged in ending the balcanization by making really peaceful. EU would have access to raw materials. Russia to cutting edge theory and tech. Lesser partner would be china!
This guy should start making phone cassa
Who this?
Oh yeah Orwell, the snitcher
Isn’t him the same as the Epstein case? What more do you need to cut the ties with those royals? French did it and look at them, no sex scandals, no security leaks on foreign powers, more budget on public schools.
Hello lemmy, in Italy there are lots of car enthusiasts who own old cars and mostly don’t drive them. Don’t think that it is only a rich thing. Most of the boomers tend to keep the old cars of their parents and drive them from time to time only to keep them functional. Also lots of hunters don’t go driving in cities with off road vehicles just to show off. They have a small car for city, a small 4x4 for hunting and a small three wheels pick up (l’Ape Piaggio) for hauling cargos. Also fuck euro 7, let the polluting companies pay the price not us! BTW I’m a bike enthusiast in Italy who commutes everyday in bike and I would love to have bike lanes in Italy but in most old steep and narrow street is impossible. We just have to make bike lanes in parks and fuck those pedestrians! Get some wheels! The only problem now is to find small cars: nowadays I tend to see even more emotional pickups like the ford ranger and they are ruining city streets and country roads. Fatevi un ape, tanto la nerchia rimane sempre uguale
So they could be lovers
What you wouldn't do for a tax break
Yes, I agree but maybe some day Putin will leave the charge either voluntarily or by dying. What will happen then? Elections? Succession?