
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

È che alcuni hanno contratti del secolo scorso dove pagano commissioni 5x sopra il costo attuale. Inoltre anche come funziona la fatturazione delle commissioni. C'è chi ti bonifica il lordo e poi a fine mese manda una fatturona con 400 euro di commissioni e quando uno la vede fuori contesto rimane shockato

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

La Carta di debito dei conti zero spese è doppio uso, quando viene passata sul pos chiede se vuoi usare il circuito bancomat o visa

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

con pagobancomat è 4 millesimi

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Per confronto, l'1% di satispay è comparabile all'1% di visa e mastercard, con la differenza che non c'è bisogno di un "pos" (telefono) dedicato ad esso

visa prende 1%

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago (2 children)

So communists that they rely on private contractors to save money and steal wages like the worst capitalists

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

At one point in history did it allow to download from Spotify or it's just an intentionally misleading name?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Col cazzo il 5% del PIL, noi abbiamo da pagare sanità e istruzione

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Considerando che il patrimonio di Moratti si aggira sui 2 miliardi, dare 1 milione in prestito è come quando noi pezzenti diamo 100/200 euro a un amico. Li diamo a un amico fidato, ma non al primo che passa

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

A me shocka leggere che allora è possibile bloccare i conti di un truffatore in pochi giorni invece che anni e anni.

Ho solo due domande:

  1. ma se fosse stata una casalinga di Isernia a mandare tutti i suoi risparmi di una vita a un truffatore, le forze dell'ordine si sarebbero mobilitate così velocemente, addirittura congelando un conto estero in pochi giorni? O sarebbe stato tutto archiviato dopo anni di attesa inutile?

  2. è normale che un ministro chiami un milionario "ehi mi mandi un milione" e il milionario glielo manda senza problemi? Se un conoscente mi chiama chiedendogli se gli presto 100 euro, mi faccio mille domande, non glieli mando e via. Non è che quel milionario (ovviamente non quello menzionato nell'articolo, eh 😉) è abituato a mandare milioni in cambio di piaceri a vari ministri?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

The tariffs are against everyone so there's nothing to retaliate: in 3 weeks there's definitely no time to build again steel/aluminum supply chain in the states. This will be 100% paid by American citizens and other countries will continue to export to the USA with almost no change in short term. Maybe in medium/long term


I have a smb share on unraid with 1 million files in 70k directories.

Right click => properties and let Windows enumerate the files in Windows took 6 hours.

I copied this share on truenas via rsync, and the same operation took 20 minutes...

Both shares on traditional HDDs.

In the next weeks I will remove the xfs array and move to btrfs raid1 to see if it will have a massive speed improvement or not, after all i have shfs (the softraid daemon on unraid) eating 15% of cpu all the time....

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

la mia azienda chiese per offrire il cashback, per noi era ok dare il 10% come cashback (a nostre spese, ovviamente) se ci avesse portato clienti. Il problema era che satispay per attivare il cashback bisognava attivare un contratto ultrapremium con costi assurdi (non me li ricordo e non li trovo online, ma erano centinaia di euro l'anno, avevamo calcolato un costo acquisizione cliente tipo di 50 euro)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

"while the eurozone thrive..." => Shows a graph of almost zero growth over 15 years


Commissioni pagobancomat con banca sella: 0.6%

Commissioni satispay: 1%

Le commissioni più basse rispetto al bancomat erano l'unico motivo per il quale i commercianti si erano attrezzati per averlo.

Adesso non c'è un solo motivo per usarlo né per gli utenti (pagopa salito da gratuito a parità di costo banche normali) né per i commercianti



ads instead of useful info

It rotates and after some minutes shows the departure times. But if you're in hurry you want the time immediately, not after a while


Even if the ducks killed weren't from a protected species, anyone in Italy is required to have a hunting permit, even on private lands. This permit is almost impossible to get for a foreigner because it's an exam with a lot of extremely specific questions in Italian


1000 euro di penale di partenza anticipata su un soggiorno già pagato in anticipo (un decimo di quello) mi pare fuori dal mondo

Se uno va via prima pur avendo già pagato interamente con formula non rimborsabile, per l'albergo dovrebbe essere una pacchia, no? La stanza si libera prima e vieni pagato per un servizio non usufruito

C'è qualcosa che mi sfugge?


There's a new snapshot button in the web ui but then... how to access them? And with snapshot it looks like "differential save state" and not full backup, right?

I was unable to find any kind of documentation on this


4 euro a bonifico???

Possono fare questo? In teoria l'intenzione del legislatore era quella di ottenere l'effetto contrario

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have one code for this

someone has better reflex than mine and wants to play this?


In my (European) country now we can have a digital copy of the driving license on the phone. It specifically says that it's valid to be presented to law enforcement officers during a check.

I saw amazed in the beginning. They went from limited beta testing to full scale nationwide launch in just two months. Unbelievable. And I even thought "wow this is so convenient I won't need to take the wallet with me anymore". I installed the government app and signed up with my government id and I got my digital driving license.

Then yesterday I got stopped by a random roadblock check and police asked me my id card. I was eager to immediately try the new app and show them the digital version, but then because music was playing via Bluetooth and I didn't want to pause it, i just gave the real one.

They took it and went back to their patrol for a full five minutes while they were doing background checks on me.

That means if I used the digital version, they would had unlimited access to all my digital life. Photos, emails, chats, from decades ago.

What are you are going to do, you expect that they just scan the qr code on the window, but they take the phone from your hand. Are you going to complain raising doubts? Or even say "wait I pin the app with a lock so you can't see the content?"

"I have nothing to hide" but surely when searching for some keywords something is going to pop-up. Maybe you did some ironic statement and now they want to know more about that.

And this is a godsend for the secret services. They no longer need to buy zero day exploits for infecting their targets, they can just cosplay as a patrol and have the victim hand the unlocked phone, for easy malware installation

Immediately uninstalled the government app, went back to traditional documents.


and because i'm a lazy ass i didn't read the specs but just read the search engine result.

I also assumed that because 6 years ago i bought a $50 hp envy and it had wifi, this much expensive one is also going to have it

Result: that $250 printer doesn't actually have wifi


There's a certain "people's republic" where they introduced a new government signature on all android apps. For "safety", as they "check" the apps for you 😉

more of this ICP scam

For now it can be bypassed after three pages of scary warnings but in the future?

Maybe it could be a big reason of why they're liking harmony os that much, you don't need to manually approve android apps if android apps are completely unsupported

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