
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Nah. Went over to Liverpool and London, there's good food. Just avoid low-end british cuisine, high end is fine, but expensive. Lebanese places in particular seemed to be all-around great, with good prices, tasty food, and friendly people.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

One caveat to this: make sure it isn't a game you know inside and out. You'll go by memory instead of actively trying to interact with the language. At least that's the way it goes for me.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Oh, music theory? How intro is it? I've wanted to learn some for some time, enough to maybe understand why my favourite songs work.

I took classes when I was a kid but wasn't interested, several years later I was really into classical and jazz and I was able to play by ear but it literally takes me a minute to recognize notes on a sheet, nevermind recall notes. Some of the inside baseball stuff might as well be binary, too. Just incomprehensible.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (5 children)

They don't have a controlling share on Larian, but they don't own an insignificant amount of it. I wouldn't say it is noticeable. Doesn't have MTX, which I'm sure they would've loved.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hm, Lenovo? Cus you just described my experience with them.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Family problems, health problems, carreer problems, and just GAD piling up on me. Someone took my pulse and it was running a sprint while I was sitting. Hands were absolutely numb and my fingers were twisting by themselves into weird poses, I couldn't hear a thing and I couldn't breathe.

That was the worst one I've ever had, and thankfully, the last one. Over a year ago. Every now and then I can feel one coming up but I've learned how to calm myself down in therapy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I've played a quite a bit of bg3 (and DM'd some DnD) and can offer some thought. Please excuse the wall of text. I wouldn't go pure rogue, and get eldritch knight, for Weapon Bond. You will lose Reliable Talent, but pushing people isn't as useful in the third act, where you'd get the feature anyway. Going 3 fighter 9 rogue gets you the weapon bond, weapon and armour proficiencies, and the 5d6 sneak attack bonus on finesse weapons. Your weapon progression won't be limited to Returning Pike > Nyrulnea & Dwarven thrower plus the stuff you pick up from the ground and instead you'll get a progression that looks more like Ritual Dagger > Phalar Aluve > Dancing Breeze. All finesse weapons you will be able to bond with. Take thief and you'll pop out of the shadows with a throw, dash to reposition, and hide again. Great single target damage, and you'll have plenty of skills to boot.

On the other hand, you could go EK 7 / Thief 3 / Abjuration 3. EK gets spells from the abjuration school natively, weapon bond, and an attack as a bonus action (I think the Throw action counts, but could be wrong), thief gets the extra bonus action, and abjuration wizard lets you learn new spells (up to level 2 spells) and a shield that increases each time you cast an abjuration spell. You'll get the option to either throw the same weapons mentioned above, protect/heal someone or yourself, or do magic damage. Probably will be harder to manage, and each long rest you'll want to keep an eye on trader inventories to see if there are any Abjuration spells on sale, but could be more interesting/less monotonous. Stat spread will also be a bit MAD, being Strength, followed by Intelligence and then Constitution. You can get the headband of intellect, however, which will give you a +3 to any Spell Save DC or modifiers.

As for assassin, it works great on characters that can nova. For example, an Oath of Vengeance Paladin with Assassin 3 can blow up single enemies really, really easily (plus, fits thematically, like an inquisitor or something). Give them a finesse weapon (for example, the Shadow Blade), stack some extra damage (with the ring that gives extra psychic damage while concentrating, which the Shadow Blade does), two level 2 Divine Smites, and one off-hand crossbow with the Ne'er Misser, guarantees you will be able to one-turn beefy enemies (especially with the Shadow Blade combo, psychic resistance isn't common). On a throw build, I can see the appeal, but you'd need to have your rogue start fights, which means they'd be up-front, without much in the way of AC or HP. Thief allows you to stand back a bit. Assassin also falls short later in the game, as some enemies have the Alert feat, which means they cannot be surprised. That, coupled with the low dexterity, means they'd probably go ahead of your character in initiative. Plus, returning weapons (as in, weapons that have the Returning trait) are somewhat bugged. If you start a fight by surprising someone, weapons don't always return. You could end up wasting the second turn by picking up that weapon and equipping it. I haven't gotten my EK far enough to test whether Weapon Bond weapons also behave like this, however.

[–] [email protected] 69 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Hard work does not always lead to success. Most of the time, it just leads to more work.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Same. Though the worst is that I always get the same challenges for weapons I just don't enjoy spamming. Lots of hunting bow and melee weapon challenges. I like using those sporadically, but not every 4-5 games.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Havent played in a bit, got burned out, and a major contributing factor were the challenges. Hopefully whatever they cook up ends up being less limiting. Looking forward to the engine upgrade.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Goes further than that, imo. Toxic masculinity can also be subtle. It doesn't need to be a chest-beating guy. Besides trying to hold a death-grip on your emotions, sinking yourself into whatever society holds to be manly, I can't really think of an example rn, I've just woken up.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

On my solo honour run, which is just starting Act 3, my Tav is a dex Vengeance Pally / Assassin rogue. 23 AC with psychic damage sneak attack smites makes for a great frontline character. Gale is a Wiz 1 / Stormsorc X (his damage potential would be higher as a tempest sorc but Gale has to be a wizard), Karlach is a Thief 3 / Zerker X, and Wyll is a Fiend Lore Bardlock. The only fight that gave me trouble was Grym, because I had terrible luck with his pathing. Every other boss, including W'wargaz, has been a breeze. Locking down enemies with my pally and Wyll, letting Karlach get picks and Gale blow up and debuff enemies has been extremely useful, to the point that it kinda feels like cheating. I'm kinda dreading getting my due against Raphael though, that dude scares me.

I have some MP characters, including a Mephistopheles Ice Draconic Lorebard. Will come online at level 7, so, kinda late. But is already fun. Another one is a Tempest cleric with the Light of Creation glaive and Sentinel. Stay back, blast people with Call Lightning recasts, heal with bonus action, and anyone who gets too close gets pushed back by Light of Creation and the level 6 Tempest feature. Will probably fall off later though, since Light isn't even the best glaive, nevermind weapon for the class.


So, uh, Chinese Room. Think they're the walking sim guys. Vibe looks different to the first one, less gothic punk and more succulent goth mommy. Not sure how I feel about it. Guess I'll wait for vertical slices.

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