
joined 9 months ago
[–] Moneo 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Paused LNG approvals too.

[–] Moneo 5 points 2 days ago


Municipal, provincial, federal. I don't fucking know how your country works just fucking vote. Pretty pleaaaaaase.

[–] Moneo 3 points 2 days ago

Ok, so now what? You're going to shit on people for being depressed about the state of the world and feeling powerless because of how powerless they are?

If you want people to engage in solutions I'd recommend not belittling them for succumbing to apathy in the face of overwhelming opposition.

[–] Moneo 13 points 2 days ago (1 children)


[–] Moneo 32 points 2 days ago

The average uplifting story is only effective on people who are mostly doing OK mentally. Those types of people might see a depressing story and wonder why anyone would ever want to consume something so dark and depressing.

Someone who is depressed will not be able to relate to a typical uplifting story, it will seem unrealistic and naive. A depressing story is meeting them on their level. They will see that someone else understands how they feel and will feel less alone. A depressing story has a chance of affecting a depressed person a giving them hope in a way a regular story does not.

That is my interpretation of the comic.

Lots of fiction collapses under examination.

Yes, over analyzing every little detail and finding flaws in logic is a great way of completely missing the point the author is trying to get across. Your analysis of this comic comes across as borderline satire. There is absolutely no need to examine the physical logic of the comic past the point of "the balloons are metaphors for stories". There are plenty of ways to analyze and critique the comic, such as examining how well the balloons function as a metaphor, but trying to figure out the internal logic of the world is missing the point completely.

[–] Moneo 3 points 2 days ago

Possible tin hat explanation: Suburbs/small towns lean conservative so preserving them is essential for conservatives to retain power.

[–] Moneo 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Do you have any comments/suggestions on picking one of those distros? I can do my own research so no pressure.

[–] Moneo 1 points 2 days ago
[–] Moneo 3 points 2 days ago
[–] Moneo 6 points 2 days ago

Calling everyone who disagrees with you "thin skinned little children" makes you look like a child. It makes it seem like you really do care that they don't share your opinion.

[–] Moneo 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

If you hate the movies because they don't respect the lore, I'm sorry to say I don't think your opinion really matters.

To explain why, I'll share my own experience. I am a massive fan of Dune, I've read the series multiple times and consider it my favourite art/series/thing. I kind of hated the recent movies because in my opinion they didn't understand the source material and adapted it in a way that ruined what made the books so amazing to me. I couldn't separate the movies from the books and it ruined my experience of watching the movies.

My point is that if you are so invested in the lore and backstory, you're probably not able to assess the movies on their own merit. The prequels are god awful movies and you seem to have no issue with them.

BTW I'm not defending the sequels at all except to say that I thought FA was a fine movie.

[–] Moneo 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Finally! All the complaints about the plot essentially being a redo of ANH are completely valid, but they don't make it a bad movie. It's actually fun to watch and the characters have some character, which is not something you can say about a certain crowd favourite around here...

Does no-ads transfer? (self.syncforlemmy)
submitted 9 months ago by Moneo to c/syncforlemmy

I paid for no-ads Reddit back in the day but when I tried to transfer purchases nothing happened. Is this intentional? $30 seems steep for no ads but I'm a cheap bastard.

Sorry to ask a question that's probably been asked before, couldn't find an answer.

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