I came here from reddit too. Have you tried dandelion greens and flowers? My beardie goes crazy for those. He loves his bugs too though. I'm glad he mostly eats his greens. They are such goofballs. I have a water dragon and some geckos too. And two snakes. Was happy to find this group.
I love being itchy and dry while having breakouts all at the same time. It's great! Super awsome fun. 👍
I'm wondering about this myself because I have always had issues with things but the past year has just been...out of control I guess? Some things my boss said to me after almost getting fired kind of got me thinking. I don't know, I've looked into it and want to at least get checked. Just in case. And I am pretty sure I have dyscalculia I've never gotten diagnosed with so might do that too.
How did you even go about getting a diagnosis at a later age if I might ask. I've read it can be hard. I know I need to go see a doctor for physical stuff and might ask to see a therapist but the mental health kind of sucks with my insurance and hospital group. It's been years. Somebody needs to drag me there kicking and screaming like a toddler. Lol. Been trying to make myself make an appointment for the past 4 months.
I saw this post and went and did some reading tonsee what it was all about. This is very interesting. I wish you the best with it and hope it works out well for you. Might keep this in mind for a time I feel ready to deal with myself.
Hello all. I am new to lemmyband to python. I am currently just learning and have an interest in AI so figured it would be nice to understand some of programming behind it. I also just have always wanted to learn but fear of it won out until now. I am just doing the intro stuff but hopefully I can contribute more to the conversation in the future. For now I learn!
Edit: I deleted my prior post as I thought I was in the wrong thread. Woops. Sorry about thT.
I would have hundreds of these if I had a printer. My hubby is thinking about one for his drine stuff while I'm secretly plotting to make pots for all my plants. Love the planters! Super cute.
I was mostly a lurker on reddit for a long time but got into some of the hobby subreddits and support groups over covid and started talking more. I stopped doomscrooling so much and focused more on the communities in the individual subs. So now I am here and looking to do the same. Support and community are what I am looking for I guess. And to share my interests with others.
I'll just have to wait and see I guess. Maybe I will move back to Canada if it gets too much. Lol. Moved away to leave the cold winters. 🥶
I was going to play some video games yesterday but instead watched subs shut down all day while exploring lemmy. I need help.
That sounds awful. I am so sorry, don't think I have this yet but I'm sure I will find out. How long into peri before you started getting this out of curiousity?
All four here. Now I'm sad.