It's the players who are wrong.
/s ofc
It's the players who are wrong.
/s ofc
Honestly I don't even remember. By the looks of it I was wrong anyway but I thought it was in an article somewhere. Definitely not suggested in the trailer.
This thread is a fucking trip lmao. I remember a comment from another thread, paraphrasing: When the left learns to compromise they'll save the world, about 50 years too late.
Thinking that if you're a centrist you find half as many people undesirable as the right does is too dumb to argue against.
I thought this movie was set between the first and the second. If you watched the second one, from 1986, you know that all but one die. But now I'm seeing a space station in the trailer. I'm confused.
Fair enough, that could be the case. Some generic blocking setting. In that case others in this thread have given good technical suggestions.
Like a boulder downhill that's never gonna stop
Ngl I watched the video and it really seemed to me like Jack Black said "thank you" as a way to smile and nod and move on. Regardless of whether or not he thinks it, whether he agrees, whether he's said it in private, whether he's a democrat, he's not the one who said it. What do people expect him to have done? Call off the show then and there, scold his bandmate on what's politically acceptable to say?
It was absolutely the wrong thing to say and Gass is reaping what he sowed, but it sucks to see Jack Black catch so much shit by association. I don't think he played it wrong. He broke up the band, man. What else does he have going on?
Don't, unless you don't mind losing your job. They did it because they noticed people were watching stuff at work and they don't want you to do it.
It's enough to compliment them on whatever is new. New shoes, new haircut, new shirt, new tattoo, etc.
No bulge in the front?
There's a pair of magpies that live around me that like to peek into everyone's windows occasionally.