If Taco Bell makes you sick then I have some news for you: You are weak, your bloodline is weak, and you will be forgotten in the pages of history.
joined 2 years ago
I go to Mexican restaurants for authentic Mexican food.
I go to Taco Bell to get Taco Bell.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots from time to time.”
I’m quoting this as though I’m brave enough to go die in some urban street combat.
Thank you mister janitor.
An Apple a day keeps the Kremlin away
Connecticut spy, he was.
I don’t remember them being the overwhelming force in the allied military to kill the Nazis or the Confederates.
That’s nice and all but you if you want to bump up your membership numbers, you’re gonna need to find a way to appeal to them.
And Lord of the Flies?
I’m at the point that I don’t give a damn anymore so who cares.