I don't even know where to begin unraveling this bad take. You should at least start by reading an intro to nutrition book or something, sounds like you've been drinking a lot of unscientific koolaid.
The prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders in western society indicates that we are really shitty at being omnivores at best.
If you bang your knee every day, you might be so used to the pain eventually that it's like you don't feel it anymore.
Physically if you don't know what it feels like to not consume a damaging and inflammatory diet, it's easy to mistake feeling like shit all the time with normalcy. But it's not normal, it's killing you.
And emotionally if you only know what it's like to do something that causes so much trauma and suffering (both to the animals, and the people who do the slaughtering), you might be so used to a background noise of guilt that you're not even aware that you're carrying it. The only way to know the difference is to change and watch what happens in your mind when you stop running away from the violence you're complicit in.
I've seen an operation where someone grew a small food forest on 12 inches of manure spread on an abandoned parking lot, in the midwest.
The idea of what land is suitable for crop use is likely based on what's suitable for industrial monoculture, a highly inflexible cookie-cutter system, which is a problem in and of itself.
I chose my username to make fun of all the people who categorize vegans as militant anytime we speak out at all. It's to highlight that the only vegan who isn't seen that way is a vegan who stays silent and does nothing to speak out against the atrocities being committed against animals.
There is a vegan keto, and at least one study has found it to not have the same harms that other variants of keto has. The problem there is that it's an extremely restrictive diet, so good luck to anyone trying to stick to that.
Aside from the one legitimate use it has - alleviating seizure symptoms - keto is just plain a diet that makes no sense for humans whatsoever.
What I've been finding so far about lemmy is that if I post something vegan that puts all the blame on corporations, the upvotes come rolling in. But anything else is either closer to a 1:1 ratio, or downvote abyss.
Avocados are relevant to what, exactly?
They probably would, and hyperpalatized processed foods and our toxic food environment are a problem that effect both plant-based foods and animal nonfoods.
But it takes a lot of effort to break plants into smaller constituents and rebuild them into something bad for our bodies. Animal products do that by default, and there's no getting rid of that.
(and of course that's in addition to all the other myriad reasons why it's best to not eat animals).