
joined 2 years ago
[–] MightBeAlpharius 5 points 1 year ago

I feel like I would use it voluntarily if it put the sponsors in the "add a destination" menu. I tend to use Google maps for longer trips, and I try to add any stops on the way to my route so I don't miss them - if I hit "add destination" and it offered, for example, Citgo stations, 7-11s, and Dunkin Donuts on my route, then I would probably get gas and snacks at sponsored locations almost every time.

As it is, though... Well, just having a Dunks on the way to the laundromat doesn't make me want to stop in and buy a coffee. Driving by ten of them "randomly" on my way to another state isn't going to make me any more likely to stop at one.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 29 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Believe it or not, that's actually what the complimentary branded matchbooks that smoke shops and strip clubs used to give away were meant to be!

They weren't an ad directed at you, though - they were an ad directed at your friends. You'd go hang out somewhere, set your cigarettes and matches down, and people would see the logo.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 17 points 1 year ago (7 children)

It really bugs me when people do stuff like that... I grew up in VT, where laws are lax, tons of people have guns, and nothing ever happens. Responsibly handled and in the hands of a stable person, guns can be pretty safe - but, if you remove either one of those things, they're incredibly dangerous.

In light of that, I wouldn't mind if access were restricted somewhat. I'm totally fine with my neighbor having a rifle to kill varmints on their property, but way less fine with folks like my paranoid uncle having a safe full of assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo in a densely populated suburb.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't know anything about fancy lecterns, but looking at the Amazon link someone posted, I can certainly recognize particleboard with a wood-grain veneer on it... Honestly, $2k feels expensive for that, I'd say it should be about $500 at Ikea.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 11 points 1 year ago

it's like building stuff with Legos.

I got Minecraft when it was still in beta, for exactly that reason. I was in college, I had some free time, and I liked messing around with the demo - it reminded me of all of the fun I had playing with Legos as a kid. I think it cost me maybe $15?

Now, a decade later, I still play it fairly often, and given all of the content that's come out since then, it might be the most worthwhile $15 I've ever spent.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 4 points 1 year ago

No, no - your golden . It's the finest , fit for an emperor!

[–] MightBeAlpharius 1 points 1 year ago

I vape as an attempt to move away from cigarettes, so I like to vape nicotine, but I try to stick to lower concentrations.

That said, if you're curious about regular e-juice vaping, you might want to check out [email protected] - this community focuses more on vaporizing the active compounds out of dry cannabis.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Basically, yeah.

Essentially, old folks have always taken up a good chunk of the housing market by having a bunch of small households (think two sets of grandparents vs a family of four). However, the baby boom was, well, a baby boom - as the boomers are aging, they're taking up a lot more housing than the preceding generation did at their age, which is squeezing the market as younger folks try to buy houses.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So wait... I might be reading this wrong, but it sounds like they took in the THC (detectable levels in all tissues sampled), but didn't really process or absorb it (minimal nociceptive effects). Did they just infuse a lobster!?

(Edit: fixed a word)

[–] MightBeAlpharius 1 points 1 year ago

Looking at the lines on the inside, maybe duct tape? If it gets hot, it tends to leave adhesive behind; and cleaning that up with the wrong solvent can strip the finish off of your floors.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I feel like some of that comes down to... Well, us, the adults. For some ungodly reason, we've been calling it things like "a love story" and "a tragedy," and now people just don't know what to expect.

We've also somewhat sanitized it. The pop-culture focus on it tends to be the lengths they go to in order to be together, or the families coming together at the end; but we tend to ignore that the couple is just trying to be together to bone, it's full of dick jokes, and at the end they basically get cockblocked so hard that they die.

Actually, now that I think of it, Kenneth Branaugh is great and all, but I'd love to see a Seth Rogen adaptation of this one.

[–] MightBeAlpharius 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It's a long shot, but could it be a Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar? They've got a line of faint dots down their sides and have no horn, but they're about the same size and color as a hornworm.

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