I’m dumb. Please explain coffee.
sail the seas, friend
A) Spez was still CEO then, and it’s not like the API chaos is the only chaos that happened on Reddit recently.
B) It got marked down further in late June
I don’t really understand how you got to your position, but it isn’t fact based.
And they think he’s doing it so well that the company is less valuable. Got it
The “they” you are talking about are the ones who say it is worth 20% less. article
I think “they” know
Their valuation has dropped by at least 20% this year based on what’s been reported.
They care.
It’s mostly the Black Sea blockade. The number I heard is that at best they can ship about 1/5 by rail they could by sea and it’s way more expensive. And because they use a different rail gauge than the rest of Europe everything has to be unloaded and reloaded, it can’t even go direct to a port.
I love how religion means not helping anyone and you don’t owe your neighbor shit.
You’re right and you’re wrong.
You’re right that methane emissions are a bigger problem than CO2 and they are drastically underestimated.
You’re wrong in dismissing CO2. Regardless of North American emissions, atmospheric CO2 ppm is increasing and we need it to decrease. Afforestation is one of the only reasonable ways to achieve CO2 reduction. Climate modeling also suggests that more forests could have other beneficial effects(increased rain, local temperature stability in shorter heat spikes) in attenuating extreme weather beyond CO2 drawdown.
So your stance is that his statement “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025,” is indicative of a US plan to go to war with China in 2025?
Thank you.