I think Songwhip is what you are looking for. Here is an example: https://songwhip.com/ed-schraders-music-beat/pilot
FTL and Into the Breach
I mean... Soulseek is still going strong.
Ein paar Brotaufstriche und das Wonder-Zeug sind ganz okay. Aber ja, viel Auswahl an Ersatzprodukten hat man nicht.
That is part two of the Vengeance Trilogy. But I agree, they could have at least mentioned the most famous one.
No Vengeance Trilogy? No I Saw The Devil?
My favorite Radiocat album
This took me way too long...
I started with X-Com: Terror from the Deep on the PS1. Loved it, sucked at it. I can still remember the fantastic atmosphere though, fueled mostly by my men horribly dying every few turns and the great music of the PS1 version. An example.
I put some time into the reboot, but never made it far, as I insisted on playing on ironman. Tried XCOM2 when it was in a humble bundle, but the timed missions made me quit.
Gave XCOM2 another try a few days ago and timed missions made me quit again. I know I could mod them out but I am not really a fan of changing gameplay elements on the first playthrough. Any tips on how to handle them?
Der Mammut-Zahnstocher, thank you very much!
Some Singleplayer Escape from Tarkov. It's a mod for Tarkov that you can play offline, which replaces real players with bots. My god, finally I can enjoy the game without the damn hackers and the shitty netcode. Sure, it is not the same, but it's fun enough to entertain me for a few hours in the evening.
I also played Ultima Online for about an hour. Never played it before and was curious. It certainly has charm but it didn't age well, even in the enhanced version. The graphics are tolerable, but the controls are... difficult. I kind of want to play it some more though.
Lastly, I fooled around in the current "skate." beta for an hour or two. In the last few playtests little had changed, but this time they added a whole new area, which was nice to explore. I am really excited for the full version, but I fear EA will go overboard with the microtransactions.
TotalBiscuit taught me a lot about having standards and standing by them. Also about consumer rights and voting with your wallet.