One thing is for sure donuts would go missing right there immediately.
Yikes. I made a pretty large amount of money in the mid 2000's at a military base cleaning up messes like that. They were getting ready to destroy some munitions that contained a nerve agent. There was a huge build up and staffing on the base which had been largely shuttered for years. I was called out by what turned out to be one of the main logistical offices there. This was mostly non military contractors. There were dozens of offices spread throughout the base. Each one was a sub contractor. They sent me a fifty page pdf on what they wanted done but when I got there that pdf turned out to be a fantasy. That closet was a rats nest of over lapping cables and dead equipment. There was even a still functioning(sorta) token ring network in there. I spent nearly a week redoing that closet cleaning up and throwing away dead equipment. I also spent quite a bit of time redoing the documentation and taking photos for the people at their main office. When I got done I sent in a bill and one of the people at that office brought me a book with the federal pay scales in it. I resubmitted my low four figure bill as a low five figure bill and I was off to the races. They liked the job I did and I ended up cleaning up a large amount of those offices network closets. Its amazing how many orgs out there that have garbage like that in their back office. It was good money and from it I learned that a lot of government type work isn't done at by the lowest bidder.
Kinda looks like some kind of switch over. I've seen those look like a disaster until all the old equipment is gone.
Its definitely a curse. The only positive is I don't eat bad food. I've watched people eat food that had gone bad telling me I was imagining things. I've also smugly handed out some I told you so to people who promptly got sick.
Trump should remember how he treated his dad by locking him in a room with a use less telephone.
Cause they only care when rich scum are terrorized.
They want to look super scared and weak. Its how I see them when it takes that many fedbois for one dude.
Thanks for nothing dipshit.
I've felt like I couldn't breath and was drowning in high heat and humidity. A typical summer day around here in the full sun is ninety percent humidity ninety eight to a hundred degree's F. At night the humidity raises to ninety five percent and the temperature drops into the upper 80's. Its like moving from a sauna to a green house. My daughter was in Ireland. Her fellow classmates many from Europe made jokes about how hot and humid it was there one day. It was mid eighties with fifty percent humidity. She laughed and showed them the weather at home. It was one hundred two that day with ninety eight percent humidity. They had trouble believing it.
It was a pretty crude way to castrate. It was done that way a few hundred years back. I've heard that expression before. The first time was when I was really young. The tin snips were very sharp the and the turpentine sealed the wound by chemically burning the flesh. I'm pretty sure its what they did to some pigs when I was very young. I know the pigs made a lot of noise.
1980 by the looks of it.
Doing the right thing. How rare.