You're leaving outthe part where he put the hard drive in a trashbag in the hallway
For those who've never heard the full story, Howells had two 2.5-inch hard drives stored in a drawer in 2013, one of which he intended to get rid of and another that had a digital wallet with 7,500 Bitcoin. He put the drive containing the crypto in a black trash bag during an office sort-out and left it in the hall of his house. His partner assumed it was there to be thrown away, so she took the bag to the local landfill, where it's been ever since.
To be clear, Trump's stance on Gaza is just the same, if not worse than hers. Everyone who sat out on principle did zero thinking about this and shot themselves in the foot and gave the rest of the Palestinians a death sentence.
In short, he said he'd "finish the problem," crush pro-palestine demonstrations, and that once it's rebuilt, Gaza "could be better than Monaco."
Edit: All these links are from before the election. There's been even more he's said since then.