
joined 2 years ago
[–] MedicatedMaybe 1 points 2 years ago

Keep trying man we can all see you are a moron

[–] MedicatedMaybe 1 points 2 years ago

Oh wow you used a form of communication that needs body language to convey on a text based communication platform with no indication you were being sarcastic.... Yeah someone is certainly stupid.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 5 points 2 years ago (26 children)

Trumped lied somewhere around 30,573 over his 4 years in office so shut the fuck up. If you are looking for people who don't lie I wouldn't start with that bag of bullshit.

Oh yeah the democratic party is so know for it's laser focus and everyone being on the same page. You fucking moron. People speak their mind so much it's almost impossible for the Democrats to make a concisive and to the point party line. Projection projection, Will Robinson.

Now about this whole chosen team shit.... Well I have 2 options and I'm not going with the party of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and christofascism. At least the democratic party shows progress even if it is slow towards trying to make people's lives better.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 26 points 2 years ago (3 children)

No no no... We need to throw the CEO's in the volcano. We don't need CEO's but I'm sure someone needs you.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 25 points 2 years ago (2 children)

This just reeks... What does this add to the conversation. Guess what they all suck and I don't think we need to downplay the atrocities brought on by the Chinese and Russian governments.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 14 points 2 years ago (3 children)

How do we even go about organizing ourselves in a way that doesn't get us put on some watchlist. Which I'm probably on now for even asking.

It honestly feels like its time to take the gloves off. This only ends in violence. They don't understand anything else.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 2 points 2 years ago

Not sure how a duck would help but I can't imagine it would hurt. Now if you're talking about growing a dick you can either do that in your garden or pick one up at your local grocery store. The fun thing about growing your own dick is you can grow it to whatever size fits your needs. Just insert it into your manliest pants and they'll be none the wiser.

Also make sure you wear like a really gaudy gold cross necklace. Then you just want to go around town stating really ignorant things that you believe in that are very easily disproven. You really want to trick them you may have to indulge in their racist, homophobic, transphobic, or really any kind of derogatory talk will work.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 1 points 2 years ago

That's a nice thought and would certainly make me feel better if they never had control over Congress again but I'm afraid that is far from the truth. They do not lack evil and stupid people who support them no matter what they do. This people are also willing to kill and destroy democracy to get their party in absolute power. They want power and they will get power because no one is stopping them from cheating and using any tactics they can. They have no morality all they care bout is power and they will do anything including killing you if they have to. Are you willing Todo the same things they are? Of course not because you aren't like them. How do you defeat an enemy who would do the unthinkable just to get a little more power.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 5 points 2 years ago

It's only going to keep getting worse. Are we ever as a people going to get together and stop these people in power who are selling our planet off for short term profits. When will people get angry enough. I know I am. So what do we do?

[–] MedicatedMaybe 3 points 2 years ago

Oh really.... said no one who was paying attention.

[–] MedicatedMaybe 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

This is great for those over 65. It's a start I'd like to see it happen for everybody. I'm sure even this tiny bit of progress will be fought tooth and nail by every f****** Republican. They're just so goddamn f****** evil.

Oh would you look at that........ Downvote but you don't have shit to say do you?

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