Artichokes and aubergines at the ready.... fight!
I have a kobo reader that I use for DRM free they're legit - trying to match Amazon's hold on the ebook market I think
It's unclear whether it's a misuse of the word in this case... though amassing billions is a fascistic event. You can't do it without stepping all over people. Many people.
That time I had sex. Yes. Definitely that
Love your enthusiasm! Oats are a great antioxidant. My problem lies in that I was jujjing them up too much; I quickly went from low calorie health to massive oat-fest banquets - and wondered why I was putting on weight!
The community has made massive adjustments and is growing day by day and apps will surely follow (I only accessed the old place on phone so the API scandal killed it for me)
Yeah this is me. Jerboa is fine for what I want it to do but improvements in this or another app will help a lot
I feel that's not too disimilar to reddit with a lot of splintered groups (but obviously more so, particularly at first). I think in time this will condense into something we're more used to
So the goss is that we have our sights on a new right sided CB to work with or spell out Konate...I recognised the name but didn't know the player. People were excited though. Let's see how it plays out
There's a very small (but growing) Liverpool FC group on here now. Today is the future
The list is growing - though I did find it marginally biased towards Nebraska and Saskatchewan but that might have been because I was looking for askreddit clones
Apparently I'm a scholar now