Yes :D glad to see my fame proceeds me.
No, but honestly idk how necessary it is anyway. The in game system is good enough for the most part.
As with any relationship, you can either decide it's not worth it to keep bringing up... Or if it matters a lot to you, you can break up.
Sometimes, even with a lot of communication, the relationship just doesn't work. Not everyone is meant to be. Sometimes your needs are very different from your partner(s) needs and separation is the best way to make you both happier in the long run.
The comic doesn't mention how MANY plants they can identify... Just that it's multiple...
"Yes... This is grass alright... And this one? Tree..."
Maybe even hit them with the classic "you can tell it's an aspin because of the way it is"
Everything you said here was so good honestly.
I am extremely happy whenever my partners find someone who can help make them as happy as I try to. I want my partners to have the happiest possible life ever and it's unfair to everyone involved to stop them from being able to get that happiness.
I think something a lot of monogamous people forget when talking about poly is that jealousy is a pretty natural thing to happen... Even in polyamorous relationships.
I've felt jealous before in my situation, the difference is that I talked with my partners and found a good solution and set of boundaries that made everyone happy vs trying to control their time and life.
I said this in another comment but the most loved I've ever felt was when my fiancé helped me pick out my outfit for my first date with my bf (who I'm also to a year with!!). I also love helping them both with their relationship struggles and life issues and so on. I love them both tremendously.
Exactly my thoughts as well!
Poly is not the reason that you can't communicate, Steven.
It's really awesome that you noticed your own needs and put those first. That's really awesome and I'm proud of you for doing so.
That's the big thing. Polyamory is a LOT of work and most people don't want to put that effort in.
It's also just in general not for everyone. Nothing is for everyone... but I feel like every time I see people online generally talking about polyamory it's always examples of people who didn't want to put in the work, doing it poorly.
Just because it isn't for everyone doesn't mean it can never work. It's a lot better for people to be talking about healthy ways to do it so people who would enjoy polyamory can do it correctly the first time.
Exactly! Sex is completely unrelated to the process as a whole.
It's gross how often people think that being in love is just to have someone to fuck.
As for the Lemmy aspect, this sub is often just a bot auto-posting articles from popular news sources on gaming. So if it's from this community it might not actually be real buzz on Lemmy.