You bring up a good point about the stability of Windows. I've been using Linux Mint for the past few months and am quite happy with it. However I've experienced at least four different times when the OS has become completely locked; I couldn't do anything and had to hard reset. Not a deal breaker for me but it made me think about how that never happens to me in Windows any more.
If you like feature rich apps then I recommend Podcast Addict.
I'll be happy when, in the hopefully near future, I no longer have to see headlines about this nitwit.
In-N-Out is what McDonalds was 40 years ago.
I get you. I do something similar. I love physical discs and have a healthy blu ray collection. I tend to buy older or more obscure cult movies that I'm worried may not be readily available on streaming. But I avoid DVDs specifically because of the low resolution. For some movies it just can't be helped. Very obscure content may even only be available on VHS transfers and I'll watch those if I'm really interested in the movie or show.
I think my DVD days are mostly done. Even with a decent upscaler (Nvidia Shield) 480p looks terrible on my 4K TV.
I have a lot of 720p movies that I watch on my 4k TV. I'm always surprised at how good they look.
I've been on Linux Mint for a few months now, and haven't booted into Windows in like three weeks.
The transition has been relatively painless.
"I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to." -Napoleon Dynamite
I've been an Android user since the beginning, started with the G1. But I'm starting to think about Apple. I have no other Apple products but I just don't care about phone tech any more. I want a long lasting phone that launches apps, texts, and makes phone calls.
Which phone is it? My pixel 5a's camera just gave out and I'm in the market.
For POS they'd be much more likely to get a tip from me if the options were $0.50, $1.00, or $1.50.