I remember that being the one where you can headshot someone and their head explodes with a spurt of blood and their arms reach up and flail around briefly before they die... Wonder why they didn't keep that around with the later sequels? Oh and finding the double ended purple dildo in the police station...
joined 2 years ago
Yes, and when the cops investigate themselves, they find no wrongdoing.
TSA screening is required for every flight, domestic as well as international. So no, not every country has an equivalent. Yes they all have some sort of airport security, but no they're not as invasive and ineffective as the TSA.
Is it really retina, or is it iris scan? The latter is easier (therefore cheaper and more common), but more prone to false positives.
I remember being 9 and this was my favorite song...
Last 2 days on a charge...
I think HR would frown on me wearing nothing but my skivvies...
That's how you get your kids to spend all their time at their friends' houses...
Go far enough left, you get your guns back.
Come on now, that's disrespectful to the cancer.
Almost 50 here, and I'm pretty thoroughly socialist... and my dad is leaning farther left the older he gets too.