Biggest thing I miss from old reddit. Oh well.
Grateful to be living in a country where police don't even carry firearms regularly - New Zealand
It's much improved. Check out the *arr suite, sonarr, radarr and prowlarr paired with something like plex or jellyfin.
Everything is automated and it's a bloody game changer.
Like, it's great that this line of income exists for ministers/prime ministers that genuinely need it to be able to live in Wellington. For example if an average New Zealander got into parliament.
However the hipocrisy from this man is unreal. This is using the electric car rebate but critising the hell out of it and scrapping it as soon as he could, but on a whole other level.
If housing is an issue in Wellington (it is) actively work on fixing it as opposed to providing crazy subsidies to ministers.
Luxon mentions people on the benefit needing a crackdown as there are people living on taxpaplyer money who shouldn't, what the fuck is he doing claiming all of these extras?
Time to bring in means testing for the benefits our ministers can access.
Extra tip; use Chat GPT to draft a message to save yourself time and grief.
I'd love to see an answer. I got F1 TV and will be visiting Aussie for the Grand Prix. Obv track view vs F1tv is different so was hoping to go home after the races and watch the replay.
If Australia have F1tv blocked that's pretty shitty
Don't blame him for leaving politics behind. Such a tragic mess at the moment.
I have a few mates who work at the university, hopefully he can do something about the lay-off cycle the uni continually experiences.
Can we just all agree that the majority of the actions the current gov is focusing their time and effort on are dragging this country backwards?
Is there anyone who's able to say fuck yea to all actions the coalition are completing?
Like my family is a bit more on the right then me, they definitely voted for one of the three parties, but even they are like "what the fuck" to half the shit that they are doing.
I'd be surprised if they extend their reign at the next election.
I volu teer as tribute. (jokes I love my current SO vv much)
This can't be real
This is a good race for us in Aussie and NZ!
Fuck my mate who went out for a fish with us whilst sick.
If you're sick just stay home. I'm tired of this convoluted game of germ tag we keep playing.