Yeah and that's another barrier, start up cost. Instruments are expensive. I grew up playing hockey and if I want my kids to try it it's around $2000 just for one season.
Idk about you but every activity is about $100/month too. I have kids in dance, $100/month per kid. Same with swim lessons (yes at the YMCA too). Looked into ice skating lessons and it's the same. I want my kids to be able to try things but there's no way we can afford to do more than one activity at a time and that's a stretch sometimes.
Libertarians aren't exactly know for being very honest... Or smart... Or reading the whole page when someone lays out policy positions.
But surprises me the least
The premium for the non death panel plan are much higher
I'm really hoping Gretchen Whitmer runs in 28 but for this cycle it would probably be Newsome. Sherrod Brown would be great but he is the only person in Ohio that could keep that senate seat blue. Manchin probably runs off Biden isn't there. Harris and buttigieg are"in line"but personally I can't stand either.
Idk but the guy is overall a gigantic piece of shit.
Yeah that's an undersell. Guy went off on someone, supposedly not for the first time, and got caught on tape.
Idk of they are all the same but the police tasers that I have had interactions with are preset to send the shock for 5 seconds once activated. So beyond the 8 time this guy was receiving an electric shock for 40 of 90 seconds.
In Flames is the band that got me into metal and down the rabbit hole of all the different sub genres. Lots of nostalgia around this song.
It will definitely be bad for Texans but realistically a lot of big players leave. Haliburton, American Airlines, AT&T, HP, Dell, USAA are probably at the top of that list because of wanting to keep defense contracts, regulations on foreign technology companies importing into the US, or fear of being forced to sell utility infrastructure.
Non fiction