Yeah, I keep in touch. I experienced some deprivation as a kid, so as an adult, I pursue interests with glee. Maybe even to my detriment, but overall I think it's a positive thing to rush toward interesting things.
The flip side is, really draining sometimes, and I push it away in favour of gratification. Could also be a sign of an imbalance in life, if recovering from work-based responsibility doesn't happen well enough, and it intereferes with personal life responsibilites.
Aidon oikeasti en, enkä halua. Talkoohommat joo, tottakai tulee hoidettua tarpeen vaatiessa, mutta naapurit tuntien ei meillä ole mitään yhteistä elämässä. Small talkkia voi harrastaa, mutta ei mulla ole pakottavaa tarvetta tutustua ihmisiin joihin en muuten haluaisi tutustua (kuin naapuruuden perusteella).