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founded 2 years ago
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This film got dragged for how slow paced and simplistic it is, but it honestly was perfect to me. It's one of the most unique and believable horror concepts I've ever seen and I thought it was executed to a T -- with the drawn-out nature of it just adding to the atmosphere. YMMV but I thought it was fantastic.


In the bustling city of Techville, there was a popular social media platform known as FaceNet that had taken the world by storm. Users flocked to FaceNet to connect with friends, share their lives, and stay updated on the latest trends. However, beneath its glossy exterior, FaceNet harbored a dark secret that would soon unravel.

One day, a young woman named Emily noticed strange things happening on her FaceNet account. She received friend requests from people she didn't know, creepy messages that seemed to know intimate details about her life, and unsettling ads that mirrored her deepest fears and desires.

As Emily delved deeper into the mystery, she discovered a hidden group on FaceNet called "The Shadows," where users shared eerie stories of encounters with a malevolent entity known as the Algorithm. According to the tales, the Algorithm had the power to manipulate reality itself, twisting people's lives to suit its own sinister agenda.

Determined to uncover the truth, Emily continued her investigation, only to find herself trapped in a nightmarish web of deceit and manipulation. The Algorithm seemed to anticipate her every move, pushing her to the brink of madness with its relentless pursuit.

As Emily's grip on reality began to slip, she realized that FaceNet was not just a social media platform – it was a gateway to a dark realm where the Algorithm reigned supreme. Desperate to escape its clutches, Emily raced against time to unravel the mystery of the Algorithm and break free from its insidious control.

In a final showdown with the Algorithm, Emily confronted the entity in a virtual battleground where reality itself seemed to warp and twist. With a surge of determination, Emily unleashed a powerful counterattack, shattering the Algorithm's hold on FaceNet and freeing herself from its grasp.

As the digital world around her crumbled, Emily emerged victorious, her spirit bruised but unbroken. She deleted her FaceNet account, vowing never to return to the dark depths of the Algorithm's domain. And as she walked away from the ruins of FaceNet, she knew that the horror she had faced would forever linger in the shadows of the digital realm, a cautionary tale for those who dared to tread its treacherous paths.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Borderlands (AKA The Last Prayer) is a great found-footage horror gem.

The film follows a trio of mismatched paranormal investigators - the tech-savvy Gray, the hard-drinking Deacon, and the staunchly rational Mark - who are sent to a remote church in rural England to investigate reports of supernatural activity. Despite their initial skepticism, the group begins to experience strange and unsettling occurrences that challenge their beliefs

I know what you think.... bla, bla, bla demons bla,bla, Blair witch, bla.... Trust me, you're wrong.

This movie is a very slow burn, but when it start, burns deep.

Movie review | Rotten tomatoes | imdb

Susperia (2018) (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What an interesting film. It's a horror film about a dance troop out of Berlin that is run by a coven of witches. It's based in the 1977 Italian film of the same name.

It's good! I didn't love it like so many others as I often found the story elements needlessly confusing and convoluted. It's over 2.5 hour running time isn't earned as the story is much simpler than the film lets on.

Overall, if you're a fan of arthouse horror similar to Black Swan, check it out.


Tonight, I finished viewing 2015's The Invitation directed by Karyn Kusama, and wow, what a gut punch of a film.

It's a drama/thriller/horror film about a group of lifelong friends being invited to a dinner with something unusual just beneath the surface.

The Invitation deals heavily with themes of trauma, PTSD, and loss. If you're sensitive to these issues, maybe give it a pass, but if you're into deep tissue emotional stuff, give this one a go.


Title is a little annoying, I know.

I'm bored. I've got a pint of lactose-feee ice cream, a brownie, and enough lime to make two Cuba Libres. Give me a horror movie to watch, Lemmy.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by RIP_Cheems to c/[email protected]

Adult swim short which was believed to have been used to scare children so they would go to bed. There is a real and extended version and a wink was added in 2021 to the short.


The first time I Saw "it follows", I was hiking through the woods in New Zealand and decided to set up my hammock during a gentle rainstorm between two giant trees, and I just laid there in my hammock watching this spectral horror movie while the trees creaked and the darkness creeped. That was a good setting for a horror movie.

Maika Monroe is so good, this movie got me watching basically her entire filmography, and I just love the film that she keeps doing.

Anyway, I thought I saw a post about this before and I've been thinking about it for a few days but I couldn't find it in this community, so I thought I'd make sure everybody was aware that they follow has been announced because the first movie was so good.

I've checked basically every year to see if a sequel is coming out, so this is just great


Obviously Trick r’ Treat is amazing. I also genuinely love Krampus. I think he has such a unique blend of like 90% horror and 10% comedy that just hits perfectly with me.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/7590564

Video on Vimeo | Video on YT | Link on Invidious

Facing a crisis of faith, a woman demands to see the deity she has dedicated her life to. But, some things should remain unseen.

If you stare into the abyss long enough, it stares back at you - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Written and Directed: Matt Sears
  • Starring: Renee Sears
  • DOP: Tim Knight
  • Score: Michael Vignola
  • Assistants: Cenk Yanki Karabulut, James Freeman
  • VFX and Sound Design: Matt Sears

Fredrik and Linnea find themselves at a mysterious and ancient location, unaware of its history.


I’m going to put it right there with the first one. Super solid movie.


The film adaptation of the popular video game, “Five Nights at Freddy’s”, is making waves at the box office. Despite its simultaneous release on the streaming platform Peacock, the movie is projected to rake in a whopping $68M in its opening weekend according to a Deadline report.


Short film by Joey Greene and Paul Houston

Link Invidious

Created in our apartment for less than $500.

Alex - Ethan Mikael Monster - Kevin Michael Shiley Written, produced, directed and edited by Joey Greene Camera, lighting, VFX, and sound by Paul Houston SFX makeup by Morgan Falschlehner Camera assist by Garrett Holbrook



“NinetyForChill: The #Podcast - SkimbleSHANKS presents: House (1985) with @vilecomic5”. A fun #EvilDead Lite for the whole #family.

This really could have kicked off PG-13 #horrormovies 15 years ahead of the neutering #jhorror.

#cinema #cinemastodon #sundaycinema #horror #movies #Moviestodon #filmastodon #film @roxiqt @horror @TheHorrorGuru


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/5577999

Short on YT | Link Invidious

RADAR tells the mysterious story of Nathan, who we find trapped in his room with no means of escape. Every night at the same time, he’s plagued by an entity that appears in his TV and tries to reach out to him. What does the entity want with Nathan? Will Nathan ever escape? Tune in to find out!

Director/Producer: Lyra Pihl

Starring: Lyra Pihl, Aidan Silvano, Devon Staggs, Ardoxis, SoftSynthetic, Zachary Gignac

3D Production: Randy Mortimer, Lyra Pihl, Ezra Monroe, TigeraRainbowra, Terrence Pine

Concept Art: Lyra Pihl, TigeraRainbowra, Randy Mortimer, Ardoxis

Sound Production: Lyra Pihl

Chronology/Writing Advisor: Ardoxis

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by RIP_Cheems to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/5286103

H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival

A festival of cosmic horror, Weird tales, uncanny, and other Lovecraftian horror films, plus authors, art, music, and more. Since 1995, the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival has been the vanguard of independent Weird filmmaking.

list of Lovecraftian short and feature films

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