The impact in this case benefits lower income people as the proceeds are distributed equally regardless of income level. Though it does feel like it couldve just been an income tax.
If I'm ever in a situation where I'm about to do something dumb or being a nuisance because I'm angry or otherwise upset I sure hope someone does that...
If someones just ranting then yea lol
Airtight packaging? I don't see many things not sold in plastic wrapping.
Not everyone is min wage, so the price increase will never be as high as the wage increase. Unless a products entire supply chain is only min wage workers.
Ads yes, everything else no. I haven't seen a musk tweet or any tweet from someone I don't follow that wasn't sponsored or an rt from someone I do follow at any point in the following tab.
Recently bought a thermometer/hygrometer. It said the external sensor is calibrated for -40 to 60°C (values might be a bit off but in that ballpark) while the internal one is calibrated for -20 to 100 (again might be a bit off).
There was a 1 star review of someone using it in his sauna (so around 100°C) and seeing a big discrepancy between data from the two sensors so "it clearly can't be very accurate".
If they're being violent themselves, or actively advocating for it (as in: in a way that could reasonably cause others to be violent). I'm also not gonna try to stop anyone for punching someone throwing out slurs, though I don't think it's a great response. If it's just "i know this person is a nazi for whatever reason but they act like a normal person" I'm clearly against it and think the punching person is also in the wrong (to be clear, both are). Advocating violence against a group for their beliefs is just something I never consider okay, even if I think those beliefs make them the scum of the earth.
And even with all that I'd probably still press the magic button that makes all nazis drop dead, but mainly because I believe that would probably improve society quite a bit rather than because I think it is justified against them (since I would argue that really isn't any different from genocide even if it doesn't quite fit the definiton). That might make me a bit of a hypocrite, but it's not like that button will ever exist.
A video chat cannot accomplish meaningful change in a system where the ones in power are heavily entrenched in their attitude. On top of iy just being more convincing to see in person, the article mentions surprise at small things like officers closing doors softly, which would never even get mentioned in a vifeo call because it is completely natural to the norwegians who would never consider doing anything else.
Ich glaube, das ist auch weniger gemeint als "ja es ist zu spät" und mehr als "wir hätten was dagegen tun können, denn wir wussten davon, und habens trotzdem nicht. Also komplett unsere Schuld."
Er macht ja auch hoffnungsvolle Reportagen, der ist kein doomer.
It might be per household vs. people with a firearm registered to them personally? (Note i have no idea how firearm registration works in thr US but it's the first explanation that comes to mind since your source is specifically "adults living in a household with at least one firearm")
They do, but HIV infections can take a while to turn up positive while already being transmittable.
I've always found that assumption very weird and figure it's rooted in human exceptionalism. Like we must be super special somehow. The more natural assumption to me seems that other animals, given their similar biological makeup, think rather similarly to humans.