Your entire paragraph about how any man could be a rapist also applies to women. Just seemingly at a higher probability (given the effects of testosterone I've heard from transmen, I'd be more surprised if it wasn't skewed tbh, even if sexual assault by women is probably even more underreported than sexual assault by men).
The relevant question regarding danger here isn't how many % of rapists are men, it's how many % of men are rapists. And if we're overanalyzing the bear thing, what percentage of bear encounters lead to death. Assuming one sees both bad outcomes as equal, it seems valid to consider one worse than the other.
In any case, the bear answer comes from a real fear that shouldn't be dismissed and that alone indicates a problem, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily the rational answer. And regardless it should be extremely obvious why the answer is very offensive to all men that would never sexually assault someone. I don't think either side is in the wrong here, but both sides are obviously going to be emotionally charged from the getgo, because it sucks to be discriminated against, and it also sucks to frequently feel in danger ( a result of being discriminated against)
They have to shut off if there's too much power in the grid, it might be that