I love you, thanks for the fun fact, SharkFucker420!
Late reply, respiration occurs in cells when they burn ATP energy, consuming Oxygen and producing Carbon Dioxide. Photosynthesis creates ATP rather than burn it. Plants will respirate and burn that ATP after it is created, but photosynthesis itself is not respiration. Hope you find this interesting!
Best scene for sure
I like this, wholesome XKCD
Fairly minor correction, but photosynthesis is essentially the opposite of cellular respiration. Plants do respirate and release CO2, but their photosynthesis more than offsets their respiration.
Oh great, we get to have this whole song and dance again in January. Fun.
For more perspective, you'd need to make $100k/y net income tax. As a random example, in North Carolina with state and federal taxes, not accounting for any deductions, that'd be about $142k/y.
Adding this because with personal salaries people typically see and think of the gross number.
I know this is the FED's goal in the US including interest hikes (as well as lowering consumer spending, which remains quite high), are similar policies/goals being implemented in the UK as well? Not as familiar with their economy, or government control on their economy.
Fun fact for you, many credit-card/debit-card chips alone are comparably powerful to the computers that sent us to the moon.
It's mentioned a bit in this short article about how EMV chips are made. This summary of compute power does come from a company that manufactures EMV chips, so there is bias present.
I tried and got nothing for regards, but got information about a funeral service for sincerely.