
joined 2 years ago

I was curious earlier with the suggestion from @[email protected]'s suggestion to go and speak to Defederatis in other places...

And I was taken aback at how inactive they appeared to be..? Fair amounts of extraneous stuff but it's literally almost all we post about.

Thus it isn't super surprising that some of these people felt personally slighted and absolutely cut at the fact that we make politically charged jokes.


A 1933 statue on the facade of the central-London headquarters of the BBC, created by a prominent British artist who was claimed to have sexually abused children and a dog, was vandalised with a hammer by a protester on Wednesday. The incident comes just days after a group in another British city were cleared of criminal damage for toppling a statue of a controversial historical figure and throwing it into a harbour.

A man leant an aluminium extending ladder against the front of the London headquarters of state broadcaster the BBC Wednesday evening, allowing him to climb to the decorate stringpiece level with the bottom of statue Prospero and Ariel, which he chipped pieces from with a lump hammer while police watched from below. Also scrawled on the statues were the messages “time to go was 1989”, and “noose all peados [sic]”.

The statue is one of several works on and in the BBC’s Broadcasting House by Eric Gill, who died in 1940. Gill, a favourite of British elite tastes in his own time and whose stylistic influence helped mould the aesthetic of 20th century Britain, was revealed in a biography after his death to have been a sexual abuser who raped his own teenage daughters, sister, and family dog.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I think it's not a bad idea to do some of this as outreach. Of course, I do not think we should troll, but it might be fun to have some guys that post an article a day in their politics sections - all within the rules, not designed to trigger, with the purpose of fostering some positive interactions in the Fediverse.

It's not a bad idea.

Shoot me a PM with links to your posts and I can go over and comment and upvote and maybe get more deeply involved myself.


Hispanics made a lot of progress during the Tough on Crime Era of the early 1990s up through Ferguson in 2014. But the slovenly 2020s have revealed some worrisome trends about this giant and fast-growing population.

CDC WONDER data on homicides and traffic accident deaths have now been released through the end of 2022. Weekly totals are available for 2018-2022. Here are raw motor vehicle accident death totals (not rates) for blacks vs. Hispanics:

There are about 50% more Hispanics than blacks in the U.S. lately, so during the first period (1/1/2018 to 3/14/2020), in which both blacks and Hispanics averaged 118 road deaths per week, was actually a period in which the Hispanic fatality rate on the roads was only about 2/3rds as bad per capita as the black rate.

During the COVID/pre–George Floyd period of 3/15/2020 to 5/23/2020, Hispanic road deaths went down while black road deaths went up slightly. Then in June 2020, the prime month of the Mostly Peaceful Protests, black traffic fatalities hit peaks. Hispanic deaths shot upward, too, but lagged black deaths through the first half of the 2021. By 2022, Hispanics were routinely dying more on the streets and highways (at least in raw terms, not adjusted for per capita).

All in all, whites are dying per week 13% more on the road in the George Floyd Era than in the Good Old Days before COVID, while blacks are dying 36% more and Hispanics 33% more. The black trend is at least moving in the right direction, but Hispanics got worse over the latter part of 2021 and 2022.

Cry About It (exploding-heads.com)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I never had this issue but I certainly hope it is addressed soon

be patient a bit because the Fediverse is held together by the volunteered time of people like our admin here Kapow -- they keep it free and grassroots and that means we have to pay them back with patience & understanding.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Right, it's beyond me

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

lol bra you gotta brush your teeth bra...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Also worth noting... This is Abigail Thorn, who publicly declared himself trans after just having a left wing YouTube channel for some years.

You could say he was a breadtuber.

He had a background in acting - some classically trained British thespian, I think.

I am actually curious to go back and watch some of what he has been saying lately - his self-righteousness and bad hot takes were occasionally entertaining.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

However, levels of social conservatism have reached decade highs throughout the country. Amid beloved American institutions embracing anti-Christian bigotry, delusional men who think they’re women flaunting their fake breasts on the White House lawn, and grocery stores partnering with satanists, the American people are realizing there is no such thing as political neutrality and that our institutions do in fact shape public virtue. This infrastructure is critical in shaping the beliefs and value sets of the public and therefore determines the cultural and political trajectory of the nation.

The institutions upholding and pushing objectively correct values are increasingly at odds with the modern world. This can be seen in young people’s increasing disinterest in attending church and the West’s outright hostility toward traditional values, biological reality, and natural law. Whereas institutions that cultivate this disorder — universities, bureaucracy, HR departments, etc. — thrive.

It’s not impossible that civil society throughout the country — small-town communities the sort of which the above authors lament the loss of — gradually reasserts itself should this resurgence in social conservatism and the push for reestablishing a domestic industrial manufacturing base be sustained. After all, people follow the money. Where there are jobs, communities will form. And should more and more people over time realize the rabidly disordered nature of the country, perhaps the conditions in which a robust civil society can flourish can be reestablished. But this will require considerable action at the state and federal level. It is nothing less than an effort to reclaim our civilization, but if the “spiritual” and “cultural” wars are to be won, this battle must be fought.

We’ll know we’re on the right track when we no longer see 22-year-old stay-at-home moms with pornographic side hustles.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

This might be garbage but worth reporting.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Honestly no idea - I saw it and thought it was an interesting idea, though of course it is worthless if unproven and unsubstantiated, which is likely the case.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I have heard this theory floated around and while I am not on board I am also not laughing at it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I do not really get it, either...

Unless, of course, it is going to be used for ethically questionable applications, like informing the insurance industry of how to insure people as they hold their collective DNA on record.

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