Exception to Rule 1: Be Conan Fucking O'Brian
Something I haven't seen mentioned here is the fact that sweat acts as a lubricant between the skin of your torso and upper-inner arm preventing chapping with increased skin-on-skin contact movement.
The girl got hammered and drilled too on that day.
Other planets get hit with world ending Quasars all the time, why can't it be ours for once.
GPS: On the next forehead, turn right.
Because it's brainless to write one and sells well enough. There are literaly AI generated children books.
Because most famous people are, on a deep level painstakingly boring. All their stories begin and end with
"... and then I went to [expensive place] and met my friend [other famous person]"
"... and then I did [other expensive activity] at [expensive place]"
They all try to up each other with ridiculousness to appear more interesting than they actualy are.
How do they exercise their homophobia?
The US falling apart would implicate that it was once whole, which it never was. It is just reaping the harsh fruits of half a century of aggressive 2 party campaigning.
Once, the US was actualy very food at funding innovation. The shit that Bell Labs alone discovered are things that shape the world today. But in the nature of US capatialism, if discovery can't turn I to profit, why bother? It's easier to market 2nd or 3rd place as 1st, then to actually be the 1st, especially if the Chinese are constantly breathing down you neck.
You're not getting burned Alice but its hot enough that you're constantly sweaty.
The demons don't actively torture you but they are going to jump you when you turn the wrong corner.
You're not there for eternity, it's just really difficult to leave.
You don't eternally burn in the flames to atone for your sins, but you have to work to pay them of.
Shit I think I just described San Francisco.