
joined 2 years ago
[–] LouNeko 20 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

You're not getting burned Alice but its hot enough that you're constantly sweaty.

The demons don't actively torture you but they are going to jump you when you turn the wrong corner.

You're not there for eternity, it's just really difficult to leave.

You don't eternally burn in the flames to atone for your sins, but you have to work to pay them of.


Shit I think I just described San Francisco.

[–] LouNeko 2 points 8 hours ago
[–] LouNeko 18 points 8 hours ago

Exception to Rule 1: Be Conan Fucking O'Brian

[–] LouNeko 13 points 2 days ago

Something I haven't seen mentioned here is the fact that sweat acts as a lubricant between the skin of your torso and upper-inner arm preventing chapping with increased skin-on-skin contact movement.

[–] LouNeko 12 points 3 days ago

The girl got hammered and drilled too on that day.

[–] LouNeko 1 points 4 days ago

Other planets get hit with world ending Quasars all the time, why can't it be ours for once.

[–] LouNeko 2 points 4 days ago

GPS: On the next forehead, turn right.

[–] LouNeko 2 points 4 days ago

Because it's brainless to write one and sells well enough. There are literaly AI generated children books.

[–] LouNeko 8 points 4 days ago

Because most famous people are, on a deep level painstakingly boring. All their stories begin and end with

"... and then I went to [expensive place] and met my friend [other famous person]"


"... and then I did [other expensive activity] at [expensive place]"

They all try to up each other with ridiculousness to appear more interesting than they actualy are.

[–] LouNeko 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

How do they exercise their homophobia?

[–] LouNeko 16 points 4 days ago (9 children)

The US falling apart would implicate that it was once whole, which it never was. It is just reaping the harsh fruits of half a century of aggressive 2 party campaigning.

[–] LouNeko 13 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Once, the US was actualy very food at funding innovation. The shit that Bell Labs alone discovered are things that shape the world today. But in the nature of US capatialism, if discovery can't turn I to profit, why bother? It's easier to market 2nd or 3rd place as 1st, then to actually be the 1st, especially if the Chinese are constantly breathing down you neck.


Sometimes you hang out in a bar and you see a group of people (usually a pair) and you maybe want to ask only one of them for their number.

How do you go on about this?

I always feel kind of weird, because if I were to hang out with a friend and somebody were to randomly ask them out specifically, surely I'll be happy for them, but especially if this were a regular reoccurrence my own self esteem would probably take a hit from that. I don't want to put somebody else through that.

Nowadays nobody ever goes out alone, especially not in bars. And if they do, they're usually not in an approachable state. In general there seem to be less and less appropriate places or moments to approach people. Isolating somebody or waiting for them to be alone also feels borderline predatory. I know that it became nigh-impossible for relationships to naturally form out of nowhere, but I really don't want to resort to dating apps or something of that matter.

Also, what if you're maybe interested in both people. You can't just ask "And what about you, are you interested too?" That'd just be awfull for everyone. But maybe you would've had a better response if you would'be asked the other person first and now you'll never find out.

I really hate to be somebody who excludes people especially in a conversation but this seems to be the only area were this is actualy unavoidable.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by LouNeko to c/unpopularopinion

Check comments for full describtion

So I finally had my first case of sleep paralysis and it was freaking awesome. Sure... horrifying... but awesome.

I've only ever heard people talk about it and always thought that it was just a meme but no, the way people describe it is pretty much spot on. Demon crawling up to you, not being able to move, yadaya, all the good stuff.

I always thought I couldn't experience sleep paralysis because I'm a side sleeper and this makes it even less likely.

To say "I don't scare easily." would be an understatement. Sure I get startled sometimes, but that's just instict taking over. I don't think I have experienced true irrational horror since I was a child. I'd say horror in general is just not part of our daily lives anymore. As someone who is into movie making, even horror movies don't really cut it for me, because I'm always thinking about the behind the scenes of each shot instead of actually being scared.

That's why I am so appreciative of a good nightmare. Its horror from the deepest darkest places of your mind, specifically tailored to you. It's the best private horror show you'll ever going to get. And for someone who's never really scared, that is worth a lot.

I'm only kinda disapointed of how my paralysis demon looks. I was hoping it would be some cute ghost lady, but it's more like a shadowy humanoid tentacle alien. Kinda like the mindflayer from Stranger Things but without any discernable features, just a shadow silouette.

Its kinda like finding out your Patronus is a crosseyed possum, I mean it gets the job done sure... but it's kinda not what I was hoping for.

Also it made a weird tribal "galagalagala" sound while approaching, which gotta say, not exactly the spookiest thing.

All in all 7/10 experience. Wouldn't recommend it every day, but every once in a while it shirley is fun.


Everybody else will act normal and all prior evidence of their existence will also persist like normal.

Edit: For clarification, the people are actually missing but everybody is essentially hypnotized to not notice. Even if specifically asked about the missing people they will pretend like everything is fine. So everybody goes on about their day normaly.

I guess for most people it would be pretty much immediately if their significant other isn't there in the morning and for some fringe isolated cases it might take forever.

I guess best case for me would be around 4 hours on a work day during lunch break seeing a big crowd of people when it would finally click.

Worst case would be probably 5 days when I'm mostly working from home office.


We have people that jumped on grenades, bombed, shot at, cut to pieces and survived but how dare we stumble funny on a curb.


RIP Travis.

He came and he went.


Maybe that's all she needed all along.


For me, a few come to mind:

  • "You're imagining everybody in this story way more attractive than they actually were."

It was posted somewhere on one of those spicy subreddits under some affair threesome story. And it sort if clicked with me. Like look around, normal people on the street don't all look like supermodels. And supermodels don't lurk around in reddit comment sections. It really put things into perspective for me.

  • "Life isn't short, it's the longest thing you'll ever do."

It is a bit uplifting to realize that no matter if you have bad or good period in your life, it is only a short chapter contained in the longest time period possible for you to experience.

There were a few others that I probably can't remember of the top of my head right now.


For years I've been looking for a mod that does a simple thing - showing the resources needed for all placed construction blueprints, ideally in parenthesis on the vanilla resource list next to the corresponding resource.

I'm tired of selecting all the placed floor tiles and then multiplying it by the number of resources per tile by hand. Especially because you can only select a limited number of entities at once. You have to fiddle around with the camera to section of portions of your blueprints if they exceed this limitation. It would save a lot of hassle for larger builds if the number of resources in construction or production queue would be visible at a glance.

Additionally the aproximate amount of days your food will last should also visible on the resource list.


I can't help it.

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