I was talking about you. Not to you. IDGAF what some fascist troll's fantasy life is.
Now fuck off, loser. I'm done with you.
I was talking about you. Not to you. IDGAF what some fascist troll's fantasy life is.
Now fuck off, loser. I'm done with you.
Your lame ass joke, finding millions potentially out of jobs, losing homes, being unable to afford food... how the hell is that fun to watch?
Oh, because he's a reactionary— they literally only care about themselves. It's an antisocial disease of an ideology, and It's why his kids would have hated him if he'd managed to trick a woman into sex.
Even you don't believe that.
Nobody here is going to play along, so I don't even know what you think you're doing. Getting "persecution points?"
If only your mother would have loved you then you wouldn't be craving my attention so badly.
Let me be perfectly clear: I don't give a fuck what a fascist troll parrots from the brainwormed "thought" leaders that know he'll gleefully guzzle gallons of garbage for the mere hope of tasting of Elon Musk's grundle.
Now piss off.
Do we really need this comment in every single thread?
Even ones that don't use the word "slammed" in the headline?
You still hear a prison rape joke every now and then.
Like it's hilarious that we let wards of the State get tortured by other inmates, presumably because they "deserve" it.
Not a thought to "hmm, maybe if we're essentially sentencing someone to be raped then there's a systemic problem to be addressed," and often times "why do you love criminals so much" if you voice an opinion contrary to the accepted wisdom that they had it coming.
Holy shit that's funny.
I thought you were being serious at first. 10/10!