
joined 2 years ago
[–] Lonnie123 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I wouldnt quite go that far, but reddit has the numbers and thus they have the content. There are sometimes post that I will see for 4-5 days in a row on my "home page", whereas on reddit its not out of the question to back 6-8 hours later and have a totally new string of content. Certainly every day there is a full, new page of links on almost any well populated sub.

Kind of hard to stick around when that is the case

[–] Lonnie123 3 points 1 year ago

I think more Lemmy users need to learn that the upvote and downvote buttons aren’t meant to be used to indicate agreement and disagreement respectively, it’s to indicate if a comment is valuable contribution to the discussion regardless of whether or not you agree.

Not saying I disagree in any way, but this will never ever happen. Its the same idea on reddit and its basically been a lost fight, its the "I like/dont like this comment" button 99% of the time, and I just dont see widespread adoption of the "quality of content" idea ever taking hold on a site that is open to the gen public.

The same kind of applies to your 3rd point... Why people feel the need to add a 4,600 "I like firefox" to a thread about Chrome I will never know, but they do and always will.

[–] Lonnie123 0 points 1 year ago

I just mean to say that what people SAY they want, at least online, (better pay/benefits for employees, no more tipping) is at odds with what they actually expect and will tolerate to see on the menu. This is done in a very shitty, maybe even illegal way, but it does draw the direct line from the higher cost of the food to the higher pay for the staff.

They also have the tip option which adds an even further layer of BS to it.

Im not supporting this in any way but it is a way to break it down for customers to show them without tips this is how much extra it would be.

[–] Lonnie123 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Why would you buy it again just to have on GoG?

[–] Lonnie123 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Its a bit of bullshittery (again, assuming all that money goes to the staff here), but ultimately its the same thing as raising the menu prices 18%. My hunch is that people would scoff at the prices if they listed them on the menu and wouldnt go there, so they do this as a way to offset that.

[–] Lonnie123 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Isnt that what they are doing here in theory? (assuming they arent just keeping it and not paying them higher wages)

At the very least there should be no tip option since thats what the service fee should be doing, but in theory this is what everyone online appears to want... higher prices and better pay for the employees (unless everyone really just wants the same prices, no tipping, and higher pay for the employees)

[–] Lonnie123 8 points 1 year ago

Alot like Trumps promise to do the same thing would be my guess

The last thing Twitter needs right now is to find more clever and creative ways to spend money, especially on other peoples legal problems

[–] Lonnie123 6 points 1 year ago

Twitter wasnt saddled with 44B in debt, That was the purchase price, which included $13B in debt

[–] Lonnie123 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That was kind of my arm chair guestimate of how it worked, that it wasnt truly lost for good but transferred around

[–] Lonnie123 2 points 1 year ago

I had an initial period where I played it a bunch, then I decided I have a few more Switch games to get through and then that will become a dust collector mostly, until I want to replay something many years from now. After this year or so I imagine it will be seeing tons of usage.

I suppose I could say I bought it a bit prematurely, but given that I have been using it and so has my son its been a fine purchase

[–] Lonnie123 17 points 2 years ago (1 children)

reddit hasnt found a way to make profit without paying people who run their site for free, there is zero chance they start now.

[–] Lonnie123 6 points 2 years ago

Im just a cheapskate r/patiengamer that prefers to buy used or on sale and sell the game after Ive completed it and have no intention of replaying it.

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