My work pickup truck is 6 tons, tank weighs much much more
What do you mean by looking unfinished at 9:15? The part where he’s fighting the dude on the wooden walkway by the cliff?
Yeah it’s basically like a 3rd person horde shooter with overwatch style combat (abilities with cooldowns, ultimates etc) but you’re racing another team to see who can complete all their objectives faster. Then there’s a final mission where you’ll do a PvP mode like 2payload or dominations where you can directly fight the enemy team. it’s a lot of fun and they’re adding a difficult end game PvE mode in a couple weeks as well
I got a Razer mouse and had no end of software issues with it. Ended up getting a Logitech g502 lightspeed and it’s been awesome and issue free
Wym killing floor is great
Exoprimal, very good game. They really should’ve marketed it better
Really looking forward to this game
Personally I’d go with half life 2. Portal 1 is a great game but it’s kind of a simplified shorter version of 2. Half life is a completely different experience so I’d go with that
About 10 hours I think to credits, but there’s a whole 4th area you don’t even unlock until finishing the game, so I’m still working through that. I played Pikmin 3 when it came out on Wii U and then again when it came out on switch, so I’m all set there
Finishing up Pikmin 2 endgame before 4 comes out in a couple weeks
I’ve reached the point where if a controller doesn’t have back buttons I don’t even consider it anymore. That’s the only reason I haven’t gotten a kingkong pro 2. I have the 8bitdo ultimate and I like it quite a bit, though I haven’t used the pro 2.
That’s what we like to see