Fun fact - she had a broken rib while filming this and apparently could barely move for a month afterward
You mean the unrealistic and easily disproven idea that was proposed only as a way to kill heavy rail investment is dead?!
Goes the way of the windows phone which MS recently said was a mistake to abandon.
So yeah, I find this another lack of faith. 5 years is barely any time at all when it comes to emerging technologies.
Wow, windows just has no faith in itself.
I believe you get your ass kicked sayin something like that.
There are dozens of us! Dozens!!
Who really says “say my name”?? What a weird thing to say during sex.
This looks like a concept drawing for the Fuck Her Gently music video
Tc2 was a pretty fun game, I got into it a while back and nearly 100%’d it. Hate to see them delist that one
I got one for my cat and my dog fell in love with it.
A mouth’s a mouth.
Seems like a lot of people are unaware of white pages