I haven't taken my shoes off in like 2 years and 8 flights. This isn't even a thing anymore in most airports.
Imagine believing that nobody is selling your data on here.
It's amazing to me people believe this place has any privacy whatsoever.
What are you even taking about?
Yeah. Turns out there are a ton of cars, not a ton of bikes.
The rest is just made up in your head.
They just burn it for funsies.
That costs money. There are party size limits commonly at venues. And my child is allowed to have people she likes and doesn't like. As long as she is being kind she is allowed to choose who she wants at her birthday within the confines of her budget. And she shouldn't be shamed for that.
What does that have to do with cambered cars?
LTT reference on hard R. Meant to be cheeky but I could see folks missing that.
I'm not sure what you're asking here.
This shit just sometimes happen. Someone posts a meme, sometimes relevant to current events sometimes not, and it picks up traction and becomes a meta meme.
Only boomers actually use the desktop folder ๐คฃ
What do you actually have on there? A series of folders that you use to organize shit ๐คฃ
Since Windows 3.1 I've used win + D maybe 5 times. Y'all just want excuses to yell at MS.