Isn't this the capital of Rohan?
Great article I think. I don't have a lot of experience in zig, but I feel like it's just a better version of C. More specifically, C with a more modern synthax, better defined behaviour, better error handling. As the author highlights it, using the comptime and reflection to make generics can easily become a footgun and make the code messy. But hey, having the option to make generic code is still better than C.
Are there really esperato speakers in the wild (not just Duolingo?) It would be a fun language to learn, but if no one speaks i'd rather just get better at german :)
oh wow, I am blind... Thanks!
what's up? The apothecary Diaries are not even making the list?
Wont this just liberate all that plastic as microplastics over time? Cars already generate a lot of microplastics via their tyres, but this seems like it will make it a lot worse ...
You can win against the game if you convince all players to take it to their grave :)
Anyone reading the comments: Have you played The Settlers on Nintento DS or on iPad? Somehow the trailer reminded me of those games I played younger.
Thank you for your wisdom <3
Unemployement will be the true salvation :p
I am waiting for the day I will have time to play :')
Hey! I used to dislike your art a few months ago, but now I like it. And especially this one is really impressive and I would buy it!
(That's my opinion! You don't make art for my enjoyment, so if you think you did things better before, thats also perfectly valid!)