Security Theater.
If it’s a “magic remover” that would be a very powerful item. Boss has a magic sword? Touch it and now it’s not!
Additionally, assuming the ring anti-magic field extends in all directions, the first shot would blow the end of the rifle off with the ring flying somewhere.
Also, do magic items retain their magical properties after leaving the feild? If so, it’s still a pea shooter.
Indy 5 felt like an Indy film, which was really nice. My only 2 notes for them to work on would be 1) more practical effects, avoid CGI except for the “supernatural” scene and 2) I appreciate they used the practical effects of speeding up playback for the tuk tuk chase, but it felt too sped up, almost campy.
Overall though, after seeing 4 in a midnight showing and it being the movie that caused me to never go to another midnight showing, 5 was excellent!
Well it’s not like the Broadband companies were spending it on infrastructure.
that putting the thermostat up higher will heat the house up quicker
If you have a 2 stage furnace, this may actually be a thing.
I am very pro geo thermal. Been following Quaise drilling for a long time. The biggest downside to geothermal is that in the process of running water up and down, the water can come up with some green house gases, generally sulfur based compounds. Overall, not nearly as bad as the current options, but it’s not like geo thermal is perfectly green. We should still consider it over any fossil fuel and possibly nuclear.
Byline from the article:
The legendary comedian died from cancer at age 70 in July 2023
Actually it’s by design! Right side is for the lower ports, that’s why there’s the number with an arrow above it.
But if the game doesn’t take 5 minutes to load when am I supposed to say goodbye to my family and grab the last thing I am going to drink that day?
He is above the law. How many other convicted felons receive no penalty?