Looking good!
All stapled down 1 day later…
Thank you!
Thanks, yeah she's coming along :)
I've taken the 2nd and 4th nodes from each branch leaving each with 2 nodes with 2 growth tips each, so 8 growth tips total.
My goal is a uniform "crown" of 8 colas so I'll continue to train each growth tip as they get larger to guide them into that shape.
Oh gotcha that makes perfect sense, not sure where my head was at there 😅
@ed with surprising frequency
"@ed"? This is new to me, what do you mean?
should not tolerate them at all when growing outdoors so I don't seed someone else's crop?
That's my personal take yeah, my nearest downwind neighbor is a ranch about a mile away and I don't think they're growing but you never know.
My neighbor went full-on intentional seed factory in his gh over the winter, I guess that was low-risk though.
I have no idea, these were random seeds collected from various strains from dispensaries over a few years. Can’t complain too much about free!
Right on, I’ve got a POTV Lobo with the dosing capsules. Love those things, keeps everything nice and clean :)
It takes some practice for sure. I’ve personally landed on a single jet zippo torch and 3 burns per bowl, starting with a quick burn near the tip for that initial flavor hit then working my way down to the base of the bowl with longer burns to get those clouds.
Looking great! Man I really need a bigger greenhouse...