I use Libby to get audiobooks from my library for free.
This is how skyNet starts.
We need more voyagers. Wouldn’t it be awesome to periodically send probes around with updated technologies on board?
Unless it hits a rock
You need to be in the EU geographically, plus have an European based Apple ID account. If you’re visiting the EU it won’t show up.
Incorrect. There are additional lateral acceleration forces due to SuperDude flying at the speed of sound to catch him. At least the sidewalk doesn’t need to be cleaned.
The article is news worthy but I downvoted the post due to the title being garbage.
That title is just bad. Cool photo comparaison though. Interesting to see the movement of the sand on the planet.
They didn’t lose their laptop. They got taken to be updated because of a security breach
As someone who’s allergic to paper mold. I hate this.
Europe is doing it. Look at Apple vs Spotify, as well as Apple forced to open their app stores to 3rd parties. Those are consumer oriented laws. In the USA, lobbying prevent those from happening.