And the ones you leave for yourself to check during development and forgotten to close before release.
- it’s just making sure an employee didn’t give themselves a big tip without your consent
- it’s nice of you to tips that much and that’s on you.
- I so disagree with the tip culture. Companies need to pay a living wage without requiring the generosity of customers to survive.
It requires a computer to install the Store app. Then you can renew on your phone and install apps without a computer. It also requires a computer is you go let your alt store app expire.
I recommend looking into SideStore instead. It’s similar to Alta store but you once you installed the SideStore on your iOS device you can manage the other apps without a computer.
This is called an LER. Light Emitting Resistor.
Soon we’ll have a retro-retro handheld community collecting vintage retro handhelds…
“Its part of the plan”
What the actual fuck‽
To me open source means you have access to the source code. You can choose to modify it and let the author know you modified it. It’s up to the author to decide if they want to implement the changes.
Haha. Pretty much. It’s not perfect though. For me it definitely helps with focusing, staying on task and getting things done but if I take it for too long in a row, I get quicker to anger and more anxious. But a lower dose doesn’t have any positive effects, so I’m stuck choosing which week I want to be efficient and which eeek I want to lean off and chill out more.
Aka: Masking
I just use the Konami code as a secret password.