Any true ~~sucker~~ Jaguar enthusiast knows you need to buy a second one for when the first one’s in the shop
I’m not criticizing anything except for the DNC’s strategy for the past eight years. Love your handle btw
Yeah, the presidential election is a circus and only a performer can be an effective candidate. Ever since 2016, the DNC just runs these duds who focus more on extending an olive branch to the GOP than championing solutions to anything voters actually care about, no matter how realistic. Whether the solutions can actually be achieved is irrelevant; what matters is that you’re willing to shoot for the moon on important issues and not weaken your position before you’ve even started negotiating. Without that, how can you possibly expect voters (particularly, typical low-information voters) to show up for you?
Honestly, Tim Walz would have been a better presidential candidate. At least he has a personality.
I mostly agree with ski11erboi’s response. I’m actually not overly concerned with market performance - I would be surprised if Trump’s handlers allowed him to do anything so destructive to their interests. But if you think the prices of gas and eggs are bad now, just wait until we have a mass deportation and tariffs on imported goods.
If there’s anything to be concerned about as you approach retirement, I’d put social security at the top of the list.
Yeah no kidding. I have ample means to weather the economic shitstorm that his voters just ushered in, and I look forward to seeing every pro-Trump bum in my life wallow in it. That probably makes me a bad person, and it certainly revokes any “working class solidarity” credibility I ever had, but these people will never learn to help themselves and I don’t care anymore.
Did they give a reason?
This is the right take. There are a fuckton of wealthy, influential people in the pro-Israel camp and to turn against Israel in an election would be political suicide. Netanyahu created a perfect wedge issue for a Trump victory by continuing down the warpath.
All cocks are dicks
The Culture section of that article is a wild ride. Like phrenology for feet.
Since when does grandma go to the dunes?
What is the point of a 1 TB data cap when you are paying for 600 Mbps internet?
You can burn through that terabyte in a matter of days and then be on the hook for dozens if not hundreds of dollars of overage charges.
I think you answered your own question.