Agreed that both parties look bad here. Blackbeard was needlessly condescending from the onset and FlyingSquid's victim complex escalated things quickly for no reason. Blackbeard was pretty bad at communicating, but I think the calm down messages were meant to reinforce that they needed more time to respond to messages and that the idea that FlyingSquid was going to be banned or not allowed to post was apropos of nothing.
Blackbeard should have asked FlyingSquid to clarify where the misinformation was. Unless you are trying to take the comment literally, the comment essentially says "each candidate's actions resemble those of these despised historical figures" which is too abstract to be falsifiable. Then they should have said that FlyingSquid and anyone else is welcome on the community until they show themselves as a bad actor, and that this was just a misunderstanding. And creating false reports could be rule-breaking in the sense of being spam if it's clearly malicious.
Yeah no problem. It's always nice to be able to discuss something with others and be respectful even if you don't fully agree.
I understand where the protesters are coming from and the idea that doing anything sounds better than just allowing the world to deteriorate. But I genuinely believe the less dramatic strategies do work better, even if it's hard to feel the effects. Not too long ago, the idea that the climate change was happening and that humans were to blame was largely ignored. Now, most people acknowledge that it's the case, and it's a matter of making it a priority. But that's still meaningful progress.
Anyways, thanks for the conversation and being open to push back. It's great to see in spaces that seem more divisive than ever.