
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 21 hours ago

Because everyone's is already being recorded if you're in the US placing a phone call. Not cuz they were accidentally just happened to catch you and some other guys wiretap. They don't bother with wiretaps except to justify what they're already doing in front of a court.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 21 hours ago

I hadn't really ever directly connected the two, but yeah the Democratic party has always had problems organizing. Hopefully, if we are forced into a similar situation, we get it right this fucking time.

No parties like this bullshit two party Winner Takes all bullshit, if we're going to pretend like democracy is a viable option. If anything can be said of the differences between back then and now, I would guess that overall the Democratic party at least appears to be more humble in the past than it is now despite being humiliated by a clown is such as Trump. The party's and this country's eventual downfall I think could be boiled down to everyone that isn't in the Oligarchy's Breast Pocket, being unwilling to compromise or even speak their neighbors, who might disagree with them.

Either the left bites the fucking bullet and humble itself enough to figure out some way of getting through to at least a chunk of the Republican voter base, or get really comfortable with becoming fascist itself and propagating its own brand of violence, to the point of killing.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 22 hours ago

Best not to use to academic language when dealing with those that Academia has failed so thoroughly. Or the ones who already know and don't care cuz they got enough of a kickback from kicking down.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

I'm sorry but how is that unique to the US, that's literally all of human history and all humans in human history have always had an "other'".

What makes the US of any more note, if anything, is just the level and formalization of such disgraceful treatment of the "other" that, started with the colonialization of America and the slave trade that boosted it.

Do I think it could be said that this is not the first time that such a thing has happened in history? It's just this cycle, who knows how long these Cycles go, and hopefully it's when we eventually evolve to get off of.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

That's wonderful news I'm actually happy to say that was full honesty. Surely you learned in your talk therapy that you and your problems are unique Ergo so your solutions would be as well...

[–] [email protected] 8 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

They gon catch these hands too then

[–] [email protected] 8 points 23 hours ago

💜🥺 Thank you.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I've never wished to have had my shit together for another's benefit... i'm broke.

This kind of shit is exactly why I left texas. Idk where I'd be if it was the whole US. And as a "child" no less!

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago

Which is a real doozy when you think about the duplicity it is to no longer allow a convicted citizen the right to vote, which is so strongly held by some people on all sides, almost evenly I'd say.

How it must feel, to be so cool to allow yourself the privilege of not participating, just like the criminals politics generates. 😎

Football Jerseys from a bygone era on Saturdays isn't the only indicator that someone never really grew beyond highschool.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If you have an android, check the Fdroid store, there are several apps that show you the raw output from every type of sensor on your device. I was surprised to find out several features on mine.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Exactly. I hate the sun. Too bright and too hot.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

My favorite color too!!! Whoohoooo!


As promised yesterday, here's probably the first photo I've ever posted of myself

Hmmmm (

I guess googleads sucks even more than I thought

Love the app! Bought the adfree for reddit, plan on buying this one too once I move out of my car.


Found out tonight that my mom is in the hospital and been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. I've been low contact with her since shortly after coming out. It sounds like they don't expect her to leave.


After helping some others on here, I realized its both OK, and a good idea for me to ask for help with my current situation. I've posted some details about my situation before, but I tried to write a more concise explanation on my fundraising page.

Thanks for even bothering to read this, and for any help you may be able to give. Thank you 💜💜💜

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