I still cling to hope that they’ll release a new album someday.
Edit: I just noticed my username and avatar. I guess you could say I’m a fan.
I still cling to hope that they’ll release a new album someday.
Edit: I just noticed my username and avatar. I guess you could say I’m a fan.
I think it’s a replicator from Star Trek. Is that the one you meant?
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing. It’s definitely far from ideal.
Yeah but I pick my mum up now!!
I think that’s the plan. Rumour is that Microsoft want out of the console hardware business. They want to just be a game producer and subscription platform. They want gamepass on PlayStation and Nintendo and, well everywhere and then they can stop making consoles.
Who knows if that’s even possible though. It seems like hell would freeze over before Sony and Nintendo let gamepass on their platforms but, stranger things have happened.
Fortunately, I have zero recollection of that programme.
…dooby dooby quack quack”
I wouldn’t worry about it too much, these stories appear every year and nothing ever changes.
Cool cool cool, I can just tell ppl I’m an astronaut now.
Reckon I’ve just had this, wasn’t pleasant. Over 2 weeks later and I still feel nausea after eating. Had to go to A&E at one point as nhs 111 thought it may be an abdominal obstruction, fortunately it was not.
Oh that’s cool, I’m gonna give that a go right now.
I know it’s a flawed game but, I’m also having a lot of fun playing it. I’m currently level 141 on ng+12. I’m also looking forward to dlc… well, actually that depends on if it’s included in game pass, if it isn’t then I probably won’t bother with it.