
joined 2 years ago
[–] KevinFRK 1 points 4 months ago

I should have added that I'd tried that and got nothing - which surprised me as usually very good (though Sound ID can be a bit addictive)

[–] KevinFRK 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

And not entirely to my surprise, Windhover is even in the Oxford English Dictionary!

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Try this one - still messed with, but gives more of the shadows

Which, just cropped out of the camera's RAW format (suffering from the classic dark bird against white sky issue with auto-ISO) was

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 4 months ago

Since the swallows were back in roughly the same place, and same (decent) light today, I tried with 1/2000s - and got a couple of shots that were clear improvements. E.g.

So, Canon R6 + RF200-800mm lens at full length, F9, ISO 1250, Exposure bias on camera +1 step at the suggested 1/2000s

To give a sense of cropping/distance, that's 296 x 296 pixels from a camera whose full frame is 5472 x 3648

Trying for the photos hand held for twenty minutes or so (with rests) left me with extremely tired arms!

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 4 months ago

Oh! Thank you.

I'd assumed you were just using it's standard nickname (e.g. Jenny Wren or Robin Redbreast). I wonder whether it is named from it's cousin's English nickname. As an example of that, Robins were once just "Redbreasts", got nicknamed Robin, and somehow, the nickname became the standard way to name them. As you can perhaps tell, this derivation amuses me

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Nice - which wagtail is that?

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 5 months ago

This is actually the truly crazy (and heavy!) RF200-800mm, with F9 at 800mm (and they do one even madder at x4 the price or so).

Sadly, Canon don't let others use their RF interfaces, so I'd guess Sigma, etc. don't try hard to work with Canon anymore.

I know for birds the ideal is closer to the suggested 1/2000s, but in practice that seems out of reach without doing bad things to the ISO with this lens/body. While the camera was doing auto-ISO to 100-350, the photos needed quite a bit of increased brightness when processing (RAW of course) to bring out the bird, so there was little to spare. And this, in sunshine. If I'd been thinking, some exposure compensation on the camera would have been sensible, but I doubt the end result would be much better.

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 5 months ago

Not that I'm aware of - just eats storage and battery! That said, with a heavy camera, you're unlikely to keep it firmly on target for much of the burst!

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

I think what's happening is the long focal length allowing distant shots is giving a much greater depth of being in focus, combined with decent sunlight, and often trees in the full frame that are the right sort of distance way (these are massively cropped down from the full frames). This gives a better chance of the auto-focus getting it right. Also, swallows do have slower glide phases in their flight which can help to get on target. What I was forgetting is to try burst shooting to up my chances.

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 5 months ago

Yes, there's both buzzards and kites around here - very similar life-styles.

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for continuing the story!

[–] KevinFRK 4 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Nice shot, but are osprey nests always that rough & ready?

Wren being Restless (
submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Wren being restless in Prospect Park, Reading, UK. A little far away, so the 2x2 contact sheet is not actually losing detail, as these were heavily cropped.

Canon R6 + 200-800mm lens


Blue Tit, other end of my balcony, Reading, UK Canon R6 + RF200-800mm lens (at 800mm). Still learning the lens, so managed not to notice had been knocked to F22


Grey Heron, River Thames, Reading, UK Canon R6 + RF600mm F11


Today's lucky spotting of a Goldcrest gives me a chance to show off the pluses and minuses of Topaz AI, which I was talking about a few days ago.

We hopefully have here, from the same RAW file

  • One with Canon Digital Photo Professional 4's default efforts at de-noise and sharpening
  • One with no post-processing
  • One with Topaz AI's efforts

Topaz gives by far the prettiest results, but I do wonder if its extrapolating from other sources, and notice how the left leg has disappeared entirely.

On other shots today, Canon's DPP4 was proving better at post-processing a well lit Red Kite.

So, as before, Topaz AI is interesting, can do great things, but you need to keep an eye on it.

Canon R6 + RF600mm F11 lens, Reading, UK. 1/1000s. ISO25600, so the noise is absolutely no surprise!

Cormorant in Flight (
submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Canon R6 + RF600mm F11 lens

Prospect Park, Reading, UK

Not my best shot, but I'm always pleased to get an even half-way decent photo of a bird in flight!


Canon R6 + RF 600mm F11

Black and white because feels better than a sort of golden yellow, and because I was being unkind about some who post B&W photos so ought to give them their chance too.

A Powerful Sky (
submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/photography

Canon R6 + RF11 600mm

The clouds really deserved a much wider angle lens, but all I had was my bird photography lens, and a mildly interesting central subject to take a slice of the magnificence as my shot.

Polarising filters or using a tripod and a much slower speed (this was at 1/1000s - slow for birds, far too fast for this) might also have sharpened up the clouds.


Prospect Park, Reading, UK - Canon R6 + RF 600mm F11

It was a little far up the tree for a great shot, but I liked the sun catching its "hood".

submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Red Kite, Prospect Park, Reading UK Not a great photo, but it was circling directly overhead, trying to get me dizzy! And, from this, clearly knew I was there.

Kite & Carrion (
submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Red Kite in Prospect Park, Reading, UK with something disgusting to eat (well, to my eyes).

Canon R6 + RF11 600mm - 1/1000s, ISO 6400 as it is winter with partial cloud

Flock of Starlings (
submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Reading, UK, Canon R6 + RF 600mm lens, ISO1600 1/1000s

I enjoy these sorts of photos as you get to see birds in all possible flight positions at once (sort of).

Iridescent Magpie (
submitted 1 year ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Reading, UK, Canon R6 + 600mm lens

I just love it when the light catches a magpies feathers just so...

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