
joined 2 years ago
[–] KevinFRK 1 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

To a UK bird book, it's just a "Goldfinch" Carduelis Carduelis, I'm afraid. Wikipedia has it as "European Goldfinch" , but that I suspect is just to help confused folk across the big pond.

Male and female broadly look the same, so that's quite possibly a mated pair.

Gold Star (
submitted 15 hours ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Pair of Goldfinches on a park tree with some long out of date Christmas decorations.

Prospect Park, Reading, UK Canon R5 Mk II RF200-800mm lens

Song Thrush (
submitted 3 days ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

They so kindly posed in the sun for me for a few minutes, I can but post their photo here.

Prospect Park, Reading, UK

Canon R5 MkII + RF200-800mm lens, ISO800, 1/1250s, F9

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 4 days ago

Yes, and Reading is not so far away from the Oxfordshire release station, so they got to us fast.

[–] KevinFRK 10 points 5 days ago

And this photo might explain the acrobatics:

There were six Red Kites over Prospect Park, Reading, UK, engaged in something somwhere between playing, dominance displays and out right squabbles. None of the birds fled the scene over the twenty minutes or more they were at it, so I have to assume there was not an serious fight going on!

Canon R5 MkII RF200-800mm lens 1/1250s. ISO 500-640.

[–] KevinFRK 10 points 5 days ago

The camera was still the right way up at this point...

submitted 5 days ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

I promise the camera was the right way up when I took this.

[–] KevinFRK 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'd let the size get too big!

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 2 weeks ago

Humph. Picture doesn't seem to be loading. I'll try again later.

submitted 2 weeks ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

... Back to having Black Heads! Which presumably means breeding season has started, for all there are still flocks of them in Prospect Park, Reading, UK.

Canon R5 MkII RF200-800mm lens.

submitted 2 weeks ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Prospect Park, Reading, UK

Canon R5 MkII + RF200-800mm, ISO4000, 1/1250s

Distinctly better quality than my previous post of this breed, because the sun was actually shining! I also found it interesting to see the orange tinge to the crest, which I understand to indicate the male bird - though for a moment I was wondering if I'd actually seen a Firecrest instead.

And then there's this one, where the photo quality is poor, but the interpreted expression amuses me no end:

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 4 weeks ago

Some decent weather and so some decent bird shots (go see a couple in /c/birding).

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 1 month ago

Good luck - they are a delight.

A Hint of Spring (
submitted 1 month ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Blue Tit looking cute as they often do, Prospect Park, Reading, UK

Canon R5 MkII RF200-800mm

Just a Wood Pigeon (
submitted 1 month ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Snoozing and fluffed up, it somehow appeals to me.

Prospect Park, Reading, UK Canon R5 MkII RF200-800mm

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 1 month ago

Mmm, repetitive squawking or song, only a jay could tell you.

submitted 1 month ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Jay, Reading, UK squawking about I know nt what (I don't think jays have a "song")

Canon R5 MkII RF800mm

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 1 month ago

The RSPB have it as a conventicle, and alas, I wasn't close enough to hear their chatter.


Or maybe two as, though its not as sharp, I like the whole "Looking down on the mudwalker" vibe. Usual locations and camera :)

[–] KevinFRK 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Kayaking sounds more like you need water-proof than water-resistant. For interest, the following is from the "water-resistant" Canon R5 MkII:

[–] KevinFRK 2 points 1 month ago

Oh, if I'd had a good single shot I'd have posted it - I have been blessed by such in previous years, so I keep clicking and keep hoping.

It's a Secret (
submitted 1 month ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

For those who can count.

Busy Goldcrest (
submitted 1 month ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Prospect Park, Reading UK

These were all of the same bird over a period of about four minutes, hopping and flapping around like a mad thing.

All undercover on not the brightest of days, resulting in 1/800s at ISO12800, so these thumbnails are really about as good as the "full" (heavily cropped) photos.

submitted 1 month ago by KevinFRK to c/birding

Redwing in Prospect Park, Reading, UK

Canon R5 Mk II, RF200-800mm

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