Holdover from the Cold War. Most of our government "in God we trust" type stuff came about in that era as part of the anti-russia/communist movement.
I would say there is a meta element to this kind of attack that is less directly about public perception, though that exists, and more about the target's perception and how "they" want to be seen. And yeah everything influences everything else but that level of rabbit holing is rarely constructive. // I also think this is less about foot fetishism in specific anyway and more about Trump being sexually subservient to Musk, this is just about as graphic as you can get with the concept while remaining PG-ish, or at least public display safe.
ISP DNS is for suckers.
In this case though the KGB agent was killed by Russia for being an FBI double agent. This is a weird angle of attack. I HATE "DODGE" and this kid almost assuredly shouldn't be in the position they are, but for other reasons.
The longest fast was 382 days. He wasn't trying to one-up Jesus though so he avoided being smote. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast
There's everything the other comments said but there is also an important distinction in "celebrating". I would argue that while layoffs as an event are a potentially logical outcome of a bad game, it is the act of celebrating and/or calling for those layoffs that is crossing the line.
True of course, but ADHD can be associated with behaviors that make it very hard for someone afflicted to complete such an intimidating and important form. It's a bit of a catch 22.
Thought it was a prank and one was going to actually have CoD in it.
CachyOS here for the moment.