
joined 1 year ago
[–] Kaymorak 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Congrats! Glad I could help. I had the exact same experience as you. One of the weirdest bugs I’ve encountered in my long history of gaming.

Edit: and as a side note WHY does crashing kick you out of your keystone dungeon and brick the key instead of just burning a life? Just, WHY. That was the worst part for me.

[–] Kaymorak 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Definitely not a VRAM thing - I play with a 3090 (24gb) and get tons of hitching. Haven’t had the chance to try on apple silicon but I suspect the performance is due to the really strong CPU cores. NMS is a very cpu intensive game.

[–] Kaymorak 2 points 1 year ago

No problem! I don’t mean to discourage you, I just don’t want you getting frustrated with the game when an S class never appears. I believe I have a combined 250-300 hours between main save and expeditions and I’ve seen a ‘natural’ S class freighter exactly once, and it was on an expedition file.

I use the term ‘save scumming’ but not in a derogatory way. It’s just the best way to get a lot of things done in NMS. I used it to get my S class venator freighter, and several community find ships at S class (prior to setting up my nanite farm - not worth it if you have one). I mainly spent the time to get the freighter because it felt bad to me spending bulkheads on anything that wasn’t S class. More of a FOMO type thing than anything else. These days my freighter is my sole base of operations, with my bases purely existing as markers and resource farms. (On pc though, bummer to hear that it’s unstable on switch)

[–] Kaymorak 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I just want to see enough folks from some of the gaming communities move over: (Most of these have small communities already, I just want growth!)

2007scape for the memes

Satisfactory for the incredible creativity

Nomanssky for the same reason ^

Forzahorizon for the weekly challenge discussions and screenshots

FFXIV for the community ‘vibe’

Really any game with a fun online community, these are just a few of the ones I enjoy.

[–] Kaymorak 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Just my take - if you’re planning on playing the same save file for 100s of hours like some people (myself included) the minor bonuses and ‘flex’ factor of an s class freighter can be worth it. For any normal ‘I’m going to play for a while and then move on’ save it’s absolutely not worth it and you shouldn’t worry.

Without save scumming, freighter events occur every 3 hours ish of active play. At a roughly 2% chance in T3 systems that’s 150 hours on AVERAGE. That assumes you’re also warping to a new eligible system every time that internal clock is running out. The only realistic way to get one is the reload method that others have mentioned. It’s up to you whether or not you go that route, I just wanted to emphasize that you really shouldn’t count on ever finding one naturally.

P.s. I think it goes up to 5% in pirate systems but the storage and tech slots are drastically reduced, so it’s kind of a wash time wise since bulkheads are time intensive to acquire.

[–] Kaymorak 2 points 1 year ago

Both. I did the trick where you reload in the anomaly after selecting the first one, then run back and select the other one. Have both on my main save after doing the expedition once.

[–] Kaymorak 8 points 1 year ago

I just resub’d today since the mgp event is going on. Played the MSQ from start to finish (vanilla to endwalker) during the wow exodus period before dropping off for some single player stuff. Maxed all of my crafting and gathering jobs but never did much that would be called difficult.

Thinking I might have to learn a new job and finally give some of the raids and trials I never did a try.

[–] Kaymorak 2 points 1 year ago

That’s actually what I’m using! Small tip for anyone else reading, if you’re using it and chasing that native-app Apollo experience on iOS, try adding it to your Home Screen as a web clip.

Open the link in safari, then use the share/export button and hit add to Home Screen. It’ll not only give you a dedicated icon to hit quickly, but it’ll also remove the browser elements (address bar, utility bar, etc.). Not sure if this is a well known function or not.

[–] Kaymorak 4 points 1 year ago

Agreed! I can only speak for myself, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve definitely gotten complacent with the services I’ve used for ages. A little push to figure out something new can be a good thing.

[–] Kaymorak 8 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Former Apollo user checking in! It’s oddly exciting finally trying something new after being on the same platform for so long. March of progress and all.

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