Happy to pay my taxes, with love from Denmark 🇩🇰
I have arr in lxc also, I just map a folder from the host into the lxc containers. It's working flawless, plus it's quite flexible.
I also have a few things running in docker, but if I can get it in lxc I do that.
And it's so easy doing with the scripts from the page I linked to you:)
Honestly I've been using Google play books for years, just upload pdf or epub and you have it on phone, ipad and computer. Plus it remembers how far you are on between devices.
Readarr for storing on own server, before I upload them.
I watched birds are not real Ted talk the other day, I think it was awesome to give a perspective on the conspiracy stuff and how people run with it.
If it flies, it spies. 🐣
It worked really well for me, used to have two domains on it, have one now - it made sense to move one of them to an old legacy gmail to have integrated calendar.
Anyway, been happy about mxroute, from what I read they are quite strict about not using it to bulk email, but I'm just using it for my personal mail, so that's not an issue.
They also provide access to smtp logs in and out, makes it easy to see if an email was sent out received.
The downside is the 10gb space, but if you like me are only a few people then it's most likely not an issue.
Sounds crazy they are but allowed to negotiate?
Is that the same for anything else the government buys? I can't imagine the army buying 100 tanks and just paying the first price they get?
I've bought mxroute lifetime a year ago, so far it been working really good. I use imap for my mail, my wife gets it forwarded to Gmail - both works fine.
Plus I can use mxroute smtp from my self host server to send mails from the services on it.
Could be worth to look into.
Real estate isn't there... But all the money in the world is.
Help, my house is now worthless? 🙈
Der var en video den anden dag, hvor der blev talt russisk da de brød igennem muren/hegnet.... Det kan selvfølgelig være tilfældigheder, meeeen.
Wings for Amiga, flying in WW1 and a cool story between missions. Everything I know about ww1 air battles, I know from that game :)
I don't even want to know how a country in war finds out vests and helmets are of poor quality :(
... Corporate greed