I just got a cocktail smoker; this sounds like a drink that lends itself well to being smoked. Based on how it came out, do you think that would make it any better?
There's been a lot of great games this year, but BG3 just barely beats the competition for me. Alan Wake 2, TOTK, Hi-fi Rush, and Lethal Company have all been great experiences as well though.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it has more to do with "if we hold this one up, what does it say about all these other mergers that we let through that are more egregious?"
That wasn't really on Jackson from what I understand. He originally wasn't even going to be directing the Hobbit films, but had to come in after the original director had other obligations and things were a mess when he got there. I believe the studio had already decided that it would be three films as well, but I could be misremembering.
Better idea: take that ice cream, put it in a mug and pour a shot of espresso over it. Bam, you've got an affogato (an Italian dessert drink).
Oh, i guess that makes some sort of sense - obviously I disagree with the conclusion, but I understand it - but it's beyond frustrating when you think "maybe I'll pay this bill online" and see that limit. And even if that is the reasoning for the limit, if they haven't updated their requirements in all that time, I have little faith that they're storing my sensitive information securely.
Yeah, using a pass phrase makes it much easier to remember on top of being more secure. But users should introduce at least a bit more complexity than that example (all lower case letters isn't great). This1sComplexButMemorable! Is an easy example of how you can just make up a relevant sentence to what you're using, include a range of character types for complexity and to meet requirements, and you're good to go. Plus if you make it relevant to what you're logging into, you're less likely to be tempted to reuse the pass.
The most infuriating thing is websites that actually limit secure passwords (e.g. "password must be between 6 and 12 characters"). Preventing longer passwords makes little sense if they're salting and hashing; and if they're storing the passwords in plain text (which is just about the only reason to limit the max length to anything less than what a person would reasonably remember), that's even worse.
If it was a motherboard replacement, it's entirely possible they missed connecting the cable for the camera entirely or just didn't get it fully connected and is loose.
Again, that's incorrect. Pounds (Lbs) are the US measurement for mass. Feel free to provide a source to the contrary. I specified pounds mass vs pounds force because in an engineering space, it's worthwhile to be specific, but the Pound (lb) is all that is specified in any documentation as the unit for mass in the US system.
It might be a bit as I don't have the ingredients, but it definitely sounds good and I needed something to try out the smoker with (besides the obvious, Old Fashioned)