I wish they were payed actors, I wanna get payed to spread misinformation about a video game. Seems like easy money to me.
No it’s not a cake. It’s the reverse of one of those things that looks like an object but is really cake.
I think you will find that the answer may or may not have something to do with pickles.
The title and everyone here suggests that Putin had a critic of his killed while in the capitol of his largest competing nation, a nation full of Putin critics. The police putting out that they don’t suspect foul play had to alarm people, yet it stands. It seems like this may actually be an accident, otherwise a master assassin or a lot of money regardless is at play for marginal returns. Seems unlikely.
Because nuclear is pretty cool whereas renewables are less awesome. Think about it, the nuclear symbol ☢️ is much more interesting and cooler than the renewable ♻️ symbol. We all know this is what really matters.
I only wish this supported gguf cpu quantized models as I don’t have a gpu capable of running this (and gpu with only 16 gb of ram, not quite 60)
I say we just deport them anyway after we take Mexico so that we can still use the immigration issues for political… stuff
Not possible. She is no random person as she is in fact the queen of thyme. Quit the BS, we all know what’s up.
The grift is that they need attention there so we don’t realize birds aren’t real. Same reason they have those drones in nyc for Labor Day weekend. They want us to think if they need drones they don’t have birds but the fact is it’s all a stunt. Attention is what it is. Remember, birds aren’t real.
That’s just like history man
Yes, plus how else can we evade taxes?
Are you making a vr desktop/wm?